Another Fun Photo Shoot
So - with my whole new slew of vintage loveliness, I needed some fresh blood on the modeling front. So once again, I snatched up the prettiest people I know: my brother Joey and his lady Emily.
Meanwhile, I am just distracted by the lovely details of Emily's bathroom! let's face it - peacock feathers
make everything right.
And then Joey - WOW - well, this is the kind of modeling he wants to do, the goofball!
But really, all the boys wanted to do was this:
(they're playing in a band together now and i love their cute music discussions)
Anyway, I am so lucky to have a model like Em, miss gorgeous personified. Here she is in a shot too blurry for my shop, but check out how she looks just like Olivia Hussey from the 1960's Romeo and Juliet!
Don't forget to stop in and see the holiday loveliness at my Etsy shop, moonshinejunkyard!