Jarom turns SEVEN!!! (best age in the world)
Here's my amazing nephew Jarom who turned SEVEN yesterday. And we had enough fun for seven families, all in one day.
First we went to lunch at the new little Italian bistro on the corner, Gloria's Little Italy for some yummy lunchy and homemade birthday dessert. Our waiter sang "Happy Birthday" to Jarom in the most stunning operatic Italian! Such a treat.
Here's Bella slurping her
First we went to lunch at the new little Italian bistro on the corner, Gloria's Little Italy for some yummy lunchy and homemade birthday dessert. Our waiter sang "Happy Birthday" to Jarom in the most stunning operatic Italian! Such a treat.
Here's Bella slurping her
Amy, sweet mother of these gorgeous children, and Orion the youngest who is obviously ravaging that creamy alfredo pasta!
Came back for an afternoon of running amok outside, the boys having a massive nerf gun war. A bunch of seven year old boys....WOW...it's pure chaos. Shrieking, silly, wild, ridiculous chaos. Oh yeah, a bunch of seven year old boys plus MY TWO RAD CRAZY BROTHERS.
I decided that treasure hunts are good for first graders because they force them to read as quickly and enthusiastically as possible. WOO HOO!
Divvying up the treasure.
One activity to the next. Now it was time to decorate little robot-shaped cakes. The kids were pouring mounds of pure sprinkles then gobbling them up...mmmm, you know it sounds good.
Momma and son, a beautiful pair.
It was quite the day. Kids finally in bed, us adults ended it snuggled up watching episodes of Big Love on the couch with bellies full of all the sweets in the world. Sounds like a good birthday to me.