Ah Walt Whitman! Your brilliance knows no bounds. Tonight I am thinking about gratitude and how it enriches every best moment of life. To be present and thankful, truly consciously GRATEFUL for all the good stuff, fills your heart with something akin to truth or god, something beautiful. I think it might be the most important feeling, like constant prayer, like benediction all the time, for everything. It is something to strive for. I suspect it brings peace. So I am thinking about the many many things I'm grateful for, and the list never ends. But here are a few undoubtably vital ones: my pops. way too good to me: marmy, pure light: Darin, you amazing husband, oh YOU: sweet siblings, all, and this whole great radiant family o' mine! and these ravishing and rollicking friends o' mine: My quaint, pretty town: Stormy, sick but hanging in there, and all my sweet crazy cats: Laundry on the line, mmmmm: these amazing mountains i live in, and of course a sister to share ...