Turkish Delights

i had the wonderful opportunity to do an etsy trade with the lovely sara from forestlass who lives in Turkey.
here she is beautifully gracing one of the dresses i sent her:
Lovely mail, originally uploaded by forestlass1.

and here i am in the amazingly soft and perfect "autumn harvest" beanie made from her favorite wool ever that she got when she was 15 years old and has been lovingly knitting into projects over the years...this was the last of it and i'm honored to have the joy of wearing it this fall.

guess who wants to steal it though:

i was so proud and excited to receive a package all the way from turkey...
that had to go through US customs and border patrol....(they opened up my package. how weird is that? i'm sure they were quite as delighted with the contents as i was...)

all the way across the atlantic and all the wonderful places in between to bring these lovelies to me:
emily says moonstone is good for fertility! now that is universal benificence.
beautiful tidbits, drawings and origami and homegrown, hand-dried lavendar.
also a special blouse that i will show you all in a later post...

thank you so much to sara from forestlass and i truly encourage to check out her shop,
for she is one talented and inspiring lady!


Missa said…
The ring is gorgeous, I love moonstone. I had the most amazing handmade silver and moonstone bracelet that I purchased in Mexico and I lost it years back on a trip to Tahoe, I still miss that bracelet.

The hat is perfect, I can see why Darin would want to steal it!
Andrea said…
i love packages from far away! how lovely & beautifully wrapped!
Unknown said…
Wow, that is so special, who doesn't love getting packages especially from far away? I love a good swap, let me know if you'd ever like to swap with me!
Cel said…
Funnily enough, I felt the same way when I received my dress from you! I've never even left Canada, so that I was receiving something from far away California was really trippy. And of course your note and that red feather made me smile. I still tell people about you and your note and your little feather every time they compliment my dress or ask me where I got it. Actually, I'm wearing it right now! Haha...
Anonymous said…
Yay! I'm so glad you loved everything! And I feel totally honored for the special post. Lots of love!
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
By the way, you look totally beautiful in the hat. Darin is quite dashing as well,

And yay for my awkward posing ;)
Marika said…
What a lovely ring!!
Astral Boutique said…
i just sold my favorite EVER dress to forestlass! i LOVE her! gorgeous hat, wow- but i can see that there is going to be a fight over it, fer shizzles! (-: ooo- i really hope i can get you to come to the Symposium one year, lady- i know you would be so enriched by the whole experience! thanks for all the kind words on my blog.
Violet Folklore said…
Sara and I did a trade in the fall, we have matching hats!! :-)
anne said…
it's beautiful! i'll definitely go check out her shop :D
Milla said…
Sara looks so so pretty in her dress and man what a cute hat. Maybe you and Darin can alternate;)
I love moonstone as well, hope that ring is a helper to you as well as purty. I love that I have so many "moonshine posts" to catch up on. Hug
Unknown said…
so sweet! how awesome to get little gifts from half way around the world. oh, i love the title, turkish delights!! :)

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