Nevada City Magic - Bizarre Bazaar Part 1

What a day we had yesterday! It was the Nevada City Winter Bizarre Bazaar and it was so jam packed with funness that i hardly know where to begin.

arriving in our corner...Velvet Leaf and Moonshine Junkyard.
We got there early in the morning after a slow misty rainy windy dramatic drive through the winter elfinland that is the canyon between Placerville and Nevada City.
In our little modern sleighs full of accoutrements, dresses, sweaters and shawls and ponchos and all the fixins.

I don't have time to write all about the magic of this day as I am heading off for myriad errands and bookstore employment.
But I thought I'd give a quick glimpse into our little shop.
We were lucky to get the corner booth at the Miner's Foundry (coolest old building in the world) so that our booth felt almost like going into a little shop all its own.

Filled it up with all manner of goodies, brimming over with handmade and vintage lovelies.
addie made her "blunders" (bloomers/underwear) which are the cutest things on earth and totally addictive when you start wearing them.
she also made an assortment of beautiful headbands from vintage crocheted pieces and lace.

i was so incredibly lucky to be boothmates with becky! 
even as her friend and frequent visitor to her house i had no idea how much wonder her vintage collection included! it is vast. as we set up my eyes were boggling out of my head. and i thought i had a lot! 

she brought her own Velvet Leaf designs too...these new capes she made are super adorable and made from recycled and organic materials.

vintage clothing was coming out of our ears.

darin made my little sign, complete with scary (?) witch face and goblins. he's a funny one.
i loved my little sign tho.

oh what a day. and now another crazy day begins!
i'll be back later with tons more pictures of the adorable folks of the crafty vintagey nevada city world.


Amy Beatty said…
Oh how I miss I could have been there. It looks like a dream. I want to dive into those clothes and buy up all of Adies Blunders. I want to see the other things she made. Did you guys do well. I can't imagine you not. I love the sign Darin made for you. FUn. cant wait for the next post. We are snowed in... not really but it is snowing and we have no car still!
Amy Beatty said…
miss - wish - same thing, really. Plus you and Adie looked way too cute in your holiday cheer. xo
Crystal said…
It looks like you had a bundle of fun- you guys has so many clothes! I wish I could flip through the racks :)
Have a good day!
Anna said…
Looks amazing! Wish I could have been at a sale like that.
AlphaBetsy said…
The Blunders look so fantastic for under skirts. I would love to have a pair. And so many gorgeous vintage pieces... wow. Can't wait to see what else you have to show us.
Teeny said…
Ahhhh, looks like vintage lovers heaven in your corner over there! Looks like you ladies would of had such fun. Your comment about my goats made me laugh out loud btw.
Celia said…
oooooooooooooo............I wish I could come shopping!!!!

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