becky's boho baby shower (and blue!)

my radiant friend becky
 had the loveliest baby shower over the weekend.
my color just happened to be blue that day,
could it be a sign about the baby?!
(they are waiting to be surprised about the sex but my guess has been boy all along)
(not that i'm into assigning colors to sexes or anything...ugh! but my vintage denim and patchwork would look pretty cute on a bouncy baby boy)

she is due in just a couple exciting!

i walked into her mother-in-law's pretty home, saw all those sweet women gathered for the baby shower, which was not co-ed, and thought ever-so-exuberantly, LADIES AND BABIES!
it's a cozy feeling when girls have baby biz to attend to.
becky's baby shower naturally featured lots of lovelies in vintage thrifted clothes (a passion we pretty much all share),
good conversation, fresh lemonade, and handmade gifts....just the way a baby shower should be.
her momma, who is native american, made the gorgeous party favors and talked about their special meaning.

we were blessed to have some amazing cuddly babies present.

and each of becky's gifts was so thoughtful...check out monique's charming wrapping-job, below.

the theme seemed to (inadvertently) be birds.
perfect for a little nestling.

brittany made this darling rustic mobile.

lesley felted the most precious little mama birdy, egg and nest.

and farmer jenny grew and decorated this gourd rattle!

what girly party would be complete without cupcakes, of course,
and some baby booty rosebuds for good measure.

jenny got the blue notice apparently...
what a brilliant summer sky in her thrifted betsy johnson dress!

and addie was enchanted by griffin, the little pup.

here's becky with kara, her lovely sister-in-law who helped prepare for the shower:

and below is karen, becky's mother-in-law (kara's mum) who hosted the shower.
she pointed out my head scarf and said that she had almost identical fabric that her in-laws had brought home from austria over thirty years ago.
she brought it down to show me, and it matched mine perfectly!

sweet karen is a good mama. her gift basket to becky included jorden's baby things...the bear that he slept with until he went to college and his two favorite baby blankets. now vintage of course, and in gorgeous condition. she talked about him as a little boy and how he loved these items.
then she looked right in becky's eyes and said, "so these are from my yours."
it made me tear up a bit. mothers are amazing.


Milla said…
What a sweet little baby shindig. Becky is blessed to have such thoughtful and crafty friends, what a lucky momma! So many stylish, sweet-seeming ladies gathered in a room must have given everyone an energy boost. Positive girl energy is the best. I'm sure the little belly-dweller could feel it too, be they a boy or girl...
Courtney said…
Aw, that is going to be one happy baby! Such a thoughtful and lovely family of women to support him or her. I love all of the crafty gifts - those are truly priceless.
Crystal said…
It's a season of babies. I went to a Mama Blessing just the other day and I felt so renewed and wonderful afterwards. It's so beautiful when women get together with focus and intent to create a sacred space.
Your package is not in the mail yet, I've been doing schoolwork like crazy. It will be soon though.....
Celia said…
What a magical and beautiful baby shower! And having a mother in law that would pass down such sentimental gifts....that made me tear up sweet. The new baby has a whole lotta love surrounding him or her!
Nicky said…
I love the vintage themed baby shower and all the handmade goodies. I wasn't too into "vintage" when I had my two girls so it was Target all the way (who, by the way, has tons of cute stuff) but how sweet that little gourd rattle was! There is a gourd farm in Fallbrook, Ca that my mom has taken me to a couple of times. I picked up some of those mini gourds and made a little mobile for Olivia, my second peanut! I'll have to dig up some pictures! LOVE your patchwork blue! SO adorable!!!
Teeny said…
Gee you know some amazing people and times don't you miss Heather. I can honestly say I've never heard of a baby shower as meaningful and symbolic as Beckys seems to be. How beautiful. Now, I wish I had had baby showers for my babies.
Amy Beatty said…
Best baby shower ever. I can't get over those awesome gifts - so priceless. What a lucky babe and momma. Your dress is too freaking cute. Must go and try and be as crafty and cute, maybe I'll just make some cupcakes.
Cel said…
Everybody looks so glowingly happy! And you look very pretty in your outfit :) Yay for welcomed babies and love between friends!
Andrea said…
oh how fun Heather! I really love this idea (i'm filing it away).

PS: Thank you for your lovely blog post comment. If you should ever find yourself in FL-- please let me know. I'd love to offer some suggestions for places to visit! I just posted on Milla's blog about all the wondrous ways of N. CA that you've opened up, and how it makes me desperately want to visit the great NW.
anne said…
wow! becky is one beautiful and lucky lady! handmade and thrifted gifts are the best. the mobile is so amazing, actually everything rules. it makes me wish i was having a baby shower, but you kinda don't do that on baby #4 :D

you dress is super rad! it looks perfect on you!

oh and it's so fun being surprised by the sex of the baby. she'll be glad she waited, it's totally worth it.
Violet Folklore said…
This made me cry! "It's a cozy feeling when girls have baby biz to attend to"- totally.

I loved meeting Jorden after the Will Oldham show and equally loved meeting Becky at the Bizarre. And my Velvet Leaf burgundy velvet & white lace dress was a hit on Christmas!

That is really neat about the bird theme too, I hope you all keep tabs on how that plays out in his little life :-)

And oh! Those Austrian folk prints slay me!
Missa said…
Love love love the thoughtful handmade gifties. In fact, I want one of those mobiles for myself! Sounds like it was a beautiful shower to take part in and that gift basket story at the end was just too precious :)

You are the princess of patchwork my dear!
Selena said…
This is the sweetest thing EVER!!

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