purple poetry

first of all, thank you so much for the outpouring of sweetness about my last post.
this kind of loving talk and sisterly support is what makes the good world go round.

and by the way, they caught the guys that did it and a bunch of my friends and loved ones want to go to the arraignment to show that this kind of action is insoportable.
for animals, for us, for the world.

so, back to the sweet stuff.
here's what i wore to our writers' group meeting...well joey calls it the Poets' Collective.
so i guess i was channeling the poetess.

i rediscovered this lacy vintage violet blouse in my closet. yes it was right where it should be in the purple section but somehow i've been overlooking it for a long while. then i noticed that when you're craving romance and drama at a powwow of poets, some victorian style flair might be called for.

we've been meeting to talk about poetry and literature and to share our own writings and inspirations.
we're a small group, but quite impassioned.
here's darin trying to look "scholarly." (?)

interestingly, we are people who already do hang out all the time, we just felt like we needed a specific forum for more philosophical, artistic, writerly concerns. otherwise it's just all fun and games.
skip, below left, is a new friend and writerly addition to our group.
stan, on the right, is reading a harrowing dream he recorded.

les in concentration. wine bottles. big thick journals. yellow legal pads. kevin with a grin.

me n my clipboard.

even woody was prepared.

we even made time for a rousing game of Balderdash which was addictively fun.
and we learned such amazing words as "ferticled." go look it up. it's cute.

i'm hoping this group motivates me to do some "real" writing on a much more regular basis.
we want to cough up some crazy creative vibes my friends.
some of our topics thus far have been: dreams, the night, bukowski, the Savage Detectives, john muir, christ, animals, the underworld, the elements.

i leave you with a quote from darin (well, from Leonard Cohen but slightly misquoted)
"Good poetry is merely the evidence of life."

outfit way up above...
ruffly lacy lavender blouse, thrifted many years ago
gunne skirt, thrifted gift from ryann up in walla walla
black tights, from marmy for christmas
brown platform sandals, thrifted $4
black necklace, gift brought back from mexico from sara
purple beaded necklace, made by addie
white feather earrings, made by em
black velvet jacket, for sale in my shop 


Amy Beatty said…
Darling!!! you looked and played the part perfectly xoxo Woody did also though. I say its a tie in cuteness. What a fun group. I'm good at remembering my dreams and liking what others write. I'm a good listener too. I need to start a group. I don't think I'm ever going to get invited to yours :) I joke - I kid.....
Missa said…
Your outfit is nothing short of pretty purple poet perfection! Oh, and I just love that your closet has a "purple section".

What an amazing group of people you and your friends are, really.
Milla said…
Gypsy Princess and a poetess! Seriously though that blouse looks like you stole it from a Finnish Romane rummage sale. You look amazing and I'm with Missa on the color coded closet. Makes me smile.

Now as for the matter of your writers group, I can't stop longing and loving your folk, they're just so dear and it's very sweet how you all hang out all the time. Hope we all meet to get some of ya'll.

Pretty dresses too are merely evidence of life. Sweet sweet life ;)
Em said…
Your top is so cute--great color too. I'm so relieved they caught those people from your previous post. Learning new words, discussing and creating great poetry, great friends--can't think of a better way to spend a winter day...
i love what you are wearing, and what a great idea for a group! .
AlphaBetsy said…
You look absolutely beautiful in that purple blouse, a bit Gibson girl, and that is a good thing. I love the idea of a poets gathering. lovely.
anne said…
i love your purple outfit! and that you have friends that like to discuss things. i was just talking to my step mom yesterday about the fact that a lot of people don't want to really talk about anything in depth. i find myself longing for good conversation. there are only a handful of people i know that will get in depth. maybe i need to start a group like yours. i just finished a book and really wish i had someone to talk about it with. i want to know others opinions on poetry, books and life in general. and on a side note, i think you are a beautiful writer! a quality i wish i had!
Violet Folklore said…
Heather- who are you. I swear, your life is unreal! It's like the kind of bohemian dream life we would all read about in some biography and post a blog about and collectively swoon over.

That purple blouse is amazing, and you are the coolest for wearing it.

Love to see Stan talking about his dreams, I kinda talked him and Jorden's ears off about dreams after Will Oldham.

You organize your closet by color? Of course you do. I need to do that...
Teeny said…
omgosh you just make me want to give you a big hug, you're so cute! Glad to hear the bad-doers got caught. So many of us get married...have kids....go to work...and don't make any time for friends; and eventually their importance diminishes or rather, the friendship bonds lessen. It makes me so HAPPY to read about your friendfamily and your merriment and adventures! Special indeed.
Nicky said…
I love that your purple poetess top was right in your purple section!!! hahaha After working at Anthropologie I started doing that too!

What a fun group of people- I love that you guys get together and discuss such topics (including Woody!!!!) I think I need to get my hands on a game of pictionary!!! I'm overdue! Balderdash is just out of control- last time I played that we were rolling on the floor!!!! :D
Heidi Ann said…
You look so beautiful in every photo, Heather!
That blouse made me absolutely swoon. It is pure and simple, a purple confection of perfection.
Anonymous said…
I can't find the word anywhere--what does it mean? I wantot share in the cuteness :)

By the way, your outfits get better and better and more evocative and creative and passionate and adorable!
Anna said…
You look absolutely radiant in that purple dress!
I just played Balderdash for the first time a few weeks ago, it is SO hilarious and so much fun!
Anna said…
just realized it's a blouse, not a dress. i stand corrected.
ladies you are all SO DAMN SWEET!!!

and by the way, "fernticled" means...covered with freckles. i want to use it in daily conversation, such a fun word to say!

much love.
Mrs. Habit said…
Love a writer's group. I miss the workshops from college. So much inspiration there. And your dress is lovely. You look perfect in purple.
Andrea said…
Very cool! Almost as cool as that cat with his little paper & pencil... awww :) You really seem to capture in your style of dress this true sense of the old west! Love love love it all especially that killer victorian style jacket.

PS: I've meaning to email to tell you that a little something arrived at my door this week. I can't say enough how thoughtful and touching both your words & gesture in sending a return parcel were. The teal dress is my new favorite piece! More soon...

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