The Force That Through the Green Fuse Drives The Flower / Drives my green age
inspired by sasha, i headed up into the mountains and forests by myself for a little adventure yesterday. i wore this dress gifted to me from emily. you remember this little sears jr. bazaar get-up ? well, this lovely little purple patchwork dress emily found at eco-thrift is same brand, same era, same line. and she gave it to me. i'm in LOVE. it's also emily's crocheted vest; i'm lucky to have lady friends with good taste who like to share! i can't handle real "shoes" in the summertime, but the mountain air was fresh enough that i could lose the flip flops for once. it was a lovely, sparkling, sunny, hidden day deep in the mountains. i followed a tiny dirt fireroad that winds down into a canyon. i was on the search for wildflowers but i think a lot of it was too shady. i did find fireweed, wild sweetpea, giant dandelions, ferns, and some bright fire engine red blossom. it was a perfect break from the hustle and bus...