paradox and bedrock

i have posted about the mystery and magic of the southern utah desert before here and i was lucky to get to head back out to moab again with the fam, kids n all.

i think i am a mountain river girl at heart, but the ocean and the desert hold equal sway.
climbing the old indian staircase

the sibs with sweet bella
glorious, sunlit amy
 hiking up to delicate arch
tiny orion running along these steep cliffs made my heart race. wish i wasn't such a baby about heights.
and even pops made it!

my new dream house (moab)

addie is drawn to moab and the dez with some mysterious and magnetic pull.
here she is in the landscape she loves best.
two peas in a pod. addie loves a good skort/matching visor combo.
jarom connecting with the Old Ones

and bella and i harnassing our girl power at birthing rock in front of ancient petroglyphs of women giving birth the real old way.
my handsome bro mattie in his beloved desert. he seriously knows it all. he can name every mountain range, peak, geological formation and plant; he's a nature loving genius.
it's a good place to be alive.

and again, i leave you with the amazing words of edward abbey:

"may your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view.
may your mountain rise into and above the clouds."


Teeny said…
Truly amazing. Love the petroglyphs on birthing way. Incidentally, standing up is supposed to ensure best gravity for an easier birth. Hehe, don't know if that is too much information or not. Oh well, love your pics!
Amy Beatty said…
Come back HEATHER!!! We had such a fun time. I just stare at my new purse all day and wish my feet were back on that sole sticking rock. That picture with O is a little freaky. Such a wild guy, guess we all are though. I can't believe how much we did but then at the same time I can't believe how much we didn't do. Matt and I had so MANY plans. ANd hey, guess what? We just found out that we are approved for the house. So hopefully we will have a million more wild weekends. And I love my bangs in that one totally AWESOME picture of me. Don't be surprised if I post an equally awesome picture of you on my blog. But I do think I like that one over the supposedly drop dead gorgeous one at the ghost town- so thanks. We miss you. Maybe Matt will talk to me till 3:30 in the morning. Love you xo
to-teenysparkles, standing up was WAY too much gravity for me. it does work-ouch. Might want a basket down there to catch that baby.
Kelsie Lynn said…
You are a beautiful lady.
cool pictures and awesome quote
Andrea said…
those are beautiful words by abbey :)

I have to say that I feel a connectedness with the desert myself. Something about the mountains makes me feel suffocated-- the rocky mountains come to mind-- not necessarily the pine covered forested mountains of New England. But, the desert to me feels so open and immense and freeing. Although I still feel that my deepest connections are with the trees and forests, I like the idea of the desert a whole lot.

nice pictures of you & the family!
Milla said…
Oh so so fun! I've missed out so many good posts. I'm delighted with your travels to the desert, and can't wait to see it for myself. It looks like your family has such a great time together.
mattbeatty said…
Wonderful pictures, and it was a wonderful trip. Again, sweet Ed quote, so sweet. Good parting shot of our curious cow friend.

Ancient birthing rock power! We need a longer, longer trip there one of these weeks. Rent the hostel house, take our time everywhere we go. Come back soon.
Unknown said…
okay, three things this time:
one, awesome photos, i so want to be there!
two, the photo of you guys going up the indian staircase is lovely
three, again, you are a girl after my own heart, being in a rugged place like this in a dress! that's so me, i love it!

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