we're on a diet. i'll go ahead and REFRAIN from any visual aid to illustrate. we're just trying to be healthier, that's all.
i am working on drawing a map of our neighborhood but it feels much more magical to walk it. i want to make a map of my dreamlands.
i constantly wonder this:
what should i do with a Masters in literature?
i made a june playlist which i am totally in love with. it's jolly and lovely. there's this song called "singing to the earth" by apollo sunshine that is so perfect for my days. wish i knew a way to share it here.
we're going to our favorite JUNE river spot (this changes depending on the time of summer): buck's bar on wednesday with a nice group of friends. come join us!
sat on the patio tonight at gringo's under colored lights and drank a beer with my lovely ones.
oh and by the way, bandini is not home yet but we've heard of sightings and we've done a lot of wild goose chasing. we haven't actually seen the little rogue ourselves yet and all we can do is hope.