Country Girls

Another outfit post! So soon! I am on a roll with these short fluffy posts lately.

I know that the vintagey-boho-country-girl look is not "on trend" right now, (haha, what a terrible phrase!) and I'm totally fine with that. It's been in and out, in and out, like the tides, over the years since I've been an adult, and yet it's been the look in which I have always been most comfortable. This is one of those outfits, like I've written about before, that I could wear forever. 

I just found the skirt at the thrift store yesterday, and with a baby strapped to me, knew I couldn't try it on, but could tell it would work for me. Sure enough, it sits just right and has pretty much everything I love in a skirt: ruffled hem, calico print, nice cheerful color, full shape. 

Polly wore her mushroom dress and a handmade headband. She turned eight months today! Woo hoo!

Eight month old Polly Diana loves: moving, crawling, pulling up on everything, pushing the little doll stroller. She likes sipping water through a straw and is learning the pincer grasp for bits of food and cheerios. Her favorite foods are peaches, plums, bananas, berries (she prefers to hold them herself) and she is trying new things to eat all the time. So far she likes everything, and has even begun to enjoy avocado. She loves goofing around with her sister, getting "rides" through the air, dancing, watching Daddy play guitar, drumming with her hands, listening to music, and playing in water of all sorts.  She gets very excited about animals and has a fun shrieky gasp that she makes frequently to show her enthusiasm. She is a free spirit who does not like to be confined, is very wriggly and energetic. She loves to nurse and be carried around by mama.

25 months now, Lucy has started talking so much! Today she said to me, "No more camera mama. Throw ball now!" That was a first, and I laughed right out loud. Then put my camera down, of course. She likes to direct things, like which kind of popsicle everyone has, or where to put something: "right DERE. right DERE," with a little finger tapping point. She is really into her stuffed animals/dolls right now and has certain ones she carries around. This varies day to day, but often three or four of them have to come everywhere with her. She now has four Minnie Mouses (her fave) that have been gifted to her from various sources. (One from my own childhood) She is super bubbly, excitable, and happy go lucky. Lately she is more sensitive and gets scared easily, although she calms down easily, and learns which things aren't really that scary, like the blender: "Not too scary, mama! Not too scary!" She is observant and comments on everything around her, and makes mental connections to something she has read in a book or something Nana mentioned, etc. I have to be pretty on the ball to catch these connections and follow her very excited prattle. She loves to give sweet kisses and hugs and is still miss social butterfly.

Back to outfit talk, the little details: I wear these crystal earrings Addie made me for Christmas quite often. I feel like they give me a little boost, and offer a dose of luck and protection. Darin made me the tarot card shrinky dink necklace years ago, and you know I've always loved the look of a scarf in my hair. The white eyelet vintage blouse is a very very old favorite. I've probably had it since I was 17, and although my bust is filling it to capacity these days, I hope I never outgrow it.

Another first today, Lucy offered to "read" to Polly. It was Brown Bear, Brown Bear, a different book than the one pictured here, and Lucy went through pointing out all the animals and making their noises. It made me really really happy.

September has so much promise. Everyone feels the desire for change, school begins a new session, the nights are cooler, we feel the shift internally as our year creaks around another turn, and in California our drought has left us painfully hot and dry the last couple of "fall" seasons. Along with everyone else I am fervently praying for rain and cooler weather as soon as possible. September is usually too early to bring it round these parts, but I am sure willing to hope!

Have a beautiful weekend! My Friday night consisted of making no-bake cookies and writing
this blog post, but we do have some fun stuff planned for the rest of the weekend! How about you? Wearing or doing anything exciting? Looking forward to the Harvest moon?


Jessica said…
You three are SO beautiful! Your pictures always brighten my day with their cheerfulness and bright colors! :)
Heidi Ann said…
I love your outfit, Heather. Even though I'm quite a bit older than you, I STILL love those same types of clothes and I dare say that I always will. I still have some of my old Gunne Sax things, and I am still drawn to those beautifully old-fashioned styles, ruffles and calico, eyelet, gingham - oh, I could go on and on.
Alas, the ones I have saved for 30-40 years or so no longer fit me, and yet I cling to hope. Will I be able to wear them again some day? Be small enough and/or brave enough? Or will I fear that "people" will think I am too old for them? I want not to care. I love your free spirit and uniqueness and I feel certain that your lovely girls will inherit that from you. I loved the part about Lucy and her Minnie Mouse(s); it reminded me of the dress I found recently at a thrift store that I think would be a great Minnie Mouse costume for someone (it would look great on YOU, come to think of it!.)
Seriously, would you think I was a crazy person if I came and knocked on your door some day? I would love to see you again, and I'd be so absolutely delighted to meet your daughters! I am holding out hope for cooler weather soon (though living in the foothills all my life has made me know better); summer is melting me, a little bit at a time. (Maybe that's a GOOD thing!) As has always been the case, I thoroughly enjoy reading your beautiful blog.
Haha, Heidi, no I wouldn't think you were weird at all! We'd love a visit :)
So glad to know a true vintage lover like yourself.
Tera said…
Love your outfit! You look so beautiful in these pics. And lucky you, a good man Darin is, he has won me over before but he made you that sweet shrinky-dink tarot card necklace=<3 That is the sweetest lil giftie ever!!!!! A man who makes things for his love is a special heart.
polly compost said…
that skirt is amazing.
and so is polly's mushroom dress. she looks so big and you look healthy and wonderful!
love the outfits! i think picking out clothes we love is a small celebration/ritual to be present in our days. :)

Anonymous said…
darlin', there is a difference between fashion and is fleeting, style is timeless...and mama, you are one stylin' cookie! oxox
Heather said…
Your girls are beautiful and how great to see how your family has grown ~Love Heather

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