
I already have a bit of nostalgia for this summer passing. The summer I had two little babies. 

The night before the kids went back to school:

 I considered taking down my pool this week. Then I saw that it's going to be in the nineties for the remainder of the ten day forecast. So up it stays.


A little river wander. We took some photos for my dear friend Becky's new endeavor, beautiful handmade changing pads. Her company is called Fawn and Cub. If you have IG you should follow her there: thefawnandcub, for sweet pictures of baby and child and nature and adventure.

And then up to the lake to join friends for the summer's last camping/swimming trip.

Things change so fast. Too fast! I love the passing seasons, but everything is more poignant with a baby. 


polly compost said…
oh arlo! oh polly! how i love that your blog posts star babies! that nostalgia is so good, so sweet. what a glorious summer it has been. we sop every minute of it up. it is so blindingly bright and sparkling, like these photos. i can only imagine how wonderful these posts will be decades from now. the prime. all of this is prime.

Anonymous said… does it go so quickly? it is so so bittersweet. its so true, having a babe gives the passing of time a face. i start to feel sad or grasp and then remember that the only thing to do is to dig deeper into the moment, to give my girl as much of my presence as possible. i'm so happy we were a part of your summer, it adds sweetness to my own nostalgia. :)
Amy Beatty said…
Dying over carolanns sweet baby belly!!! xoxoxo I love that her hands are on it in every pic!! She is going to be the greatest momma! Camping and river romping is when I wish summer was longer! Love that pea pod under the table. She just gets me :) xoxox love
Teeny said…
Heather, you pack so much living into your life, it's so inspiring to me. My head is so silly busy at the moment, I just wrote over at Anne's that I feel like it's untidy in there and that I could do more with my time if i figured out my messes first. Anyhow, even though your summer is coming to a close and the river days are drawing nigh, i know that you will fill your Winter with cosy days and lovely slow nights. x
Milla said…
That picture of Lucy with a little blackberry! Time is flying past so so quickly, she's getting so big! I've loved getting to vicariously enjoy your summer, with all its delights and while I'm sorry we're entering your least favorite season (isn't september the month you used to dislike), I hope the heat is as good as it can be and the following rains refreshing. You look happy and radiant m'dear and your family is like a pool of sunshine upon you. Maybe you need to change the name of this blog ;)
Ahh nice way to wrap up summer! I am dying for some river and lake time. I know I live right by the coast, but I'm a Great Lakes girl and I'm dreaming of some salt-free swimming. Any suggestions of good CA lakes/rivers to check out?
Tera said…
Waves of nostalgia do appear more frequently and faster with babies....I find myself missing last week and two weeks ago etc...

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