33 weeks and feelin good

this was the day of my doctor appt last week...a couple days shy of 33 weeks pregnant.
wish i was still feeling so great! 
now i've come down with a nasty cold. 
after all my bragging about pregnancy boosting my immune system ; ) 
any tips from you other mamas or pregnant gals? did you get sick when you were pregnant? what kinds of natural remedies helped? at this point my main efforts are rest and hydration.

my baby is so big now! i love thinking of this belly not as a belly, but a baby. our baby!
she is probably close to 4 pounds or more, and gaining almost a pound a week at this point.
her heart sounded great and strong and i can still feel her moving a LOT. some people say it starts to slow down at this point but my little roly poly seems more and more interested in making herself known to the outside world.

at the doctor's office the ladies up front were soooo sweet to me, oohing and ahhhing over my dress and "tan" (?!) and long hair. i felt so special. and even though i've already gained as much weight as i pretty much wanted to gain, i feel good still and healthy (besides this dang cold!) and the doctor was very pleased with my progress.
i can't believe how fast the weeks are flying!

spent the last week housesitting for my boss, taking care of all her pretty little plants:


and of course, most importantly, these babes.
life is pretty different taking care of a dog 24/7! luckily abbie is the sweetest dog in the world, and darin was a huge help with her walks and running around playing with her.

joey and em were out of town on their honeymoon, so i was in between two houses all week, making sure that our own loved ones also got the care they need!

these kids thought they were running their very own cathouse, having the full run of the place for a whole week! look at the mischief in this rascal's eyes!

well there are about a million fun things coming up this week and beyond, so wish me luck with this cold!
hope you are all feeling vigorous and happy and full of sunshine.

dress: 60's vintage, thrifted
hat: thrifted
sandals: bass outlet years ago
earrings: gifted and handmade by amber


Teeny said…
oh, I remember getting sick with a cold when I was pregnant too...i just had a lot of rest and time to pity myself, that made things better! haha. Isn't it an average of 14 kg that women put on when pregnant? I put on 20kg+ ha ha ha ha, I suuuuure loved to indulge every single craving i had when pregnant...I think over time the weight mostly went away - my body shape changed though, which took some adjusting to. You and baby look like a bundle of happiness. x
Teeny said…
also, i just came across this on another blog i follow re:herbal teas with antiviral properties to combat colds....of course you'd want to check that those herbs are fine for pregnant ladies first, but check it out http://www.littleecofootprints.com/2012/05/growing-herbal-teas-at-home.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+LittleEcoFootprints+%28Little+eco+footprints%29
hillary said…
Oh, you look wonderful despite your cold. I am 19 weeks and had a cold a couple of weeks ago. I took elderberry syrup and I think it cut down the duration quite a bit. I also am a big fan of steaming my head for 5-10 minutes at a time (big bowl full of heated water and a towel over to capture the steam). It really helps with the congestion and doesn't waste as much water as running the shower. Bonus, it's like a mini facial. I sometimes put a drop of essential oil in the water, yummm. Two birds with one stone, hee hee. I hope you feel better quickly!
you are gorgeous! i got sick a bunch with baby #2. colds, stomach virus, all of it. i took tylenol and slept as much as possible. :( being sick and pregnant is so no fair. hope you feel better.
Amy Beatty said…
That last photo is the greatest! He has got the cutest face with his fluffy hair and fat white booties!! I can see why the ladies loved you! You are just a beautiful blooming mama!! I hope you start to feel better soon. The worst colds I ever had were when I was pregs, pure awful. We leave tomorrow night. Can't wait to see you and hug you and your baby girl tight xo
Tina Dawn said…
Get well soon. Your furry kitty is SO BIG. Ishi is almost 1 year old and we thought he would be big but he is still fairly small. Your hair is so long! Is it growing faster while you are pregnant? I love that you have this blog so you can look back after and remember your pregnancy. Nancy's (I guess?) yard is beautiful! Love T
Sadie Rose said…
awww, colds are such a bummer. i never got a cold while i was pregnant, but i bet rest and fluid will work wonders. rest, rest, rest!
lasophia said…
Wow, 33 weeks already! Looking good mama. I got sick at the very beginning of my pregnancy. No bueno. I ate chicken soup, drank a lot of water, and cried. It passed within a few days though. Get well soon.

Heather said…
Look at how cute and sweet you look and that growing belly of yours...sorry to hear you are not feeling well. I would suggest maybe a herbal heat wrap if your sinus is bothering you. I have one of those that you can heat in the microwave, tea & honey....and like you said lots of rest and hydration. Will be praying you recover quickly. Not long now until you meet that sweet little girl of yours seems the time is just flying by ~Love Heather
Heather said…
Look at how cute and sweet you look and that growing belly of yours...sorry to hear you are not feeling well. I would suggest maybe a herbal heat wrap if your sinus is bothering you. I have one of those that you can heat in the microwave, tea & honey....and like you said lots of rest and hydration. Will be praying you recover quickly. Not long now until you meet that sweet little girl of yours seems the time is just flying by ~Love Heather
Cel said…
I love you in that dress! It looks gorgeous on you, and such pretty happy colours. You do look kind of tanned, especially to someone who spends a lot of time in an office haha.
Jacqueline said…
I got sick once while pregnant and I took elderberry syrup, and used glycerine-based echinacea tincture. Plus drank lots of tea, bone broth, and rested.
Hope you feel better soon!
Milla said…
Hello radiant being! You look so beautiful. Pregnancy really suits you m'dear.

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