Isis on the Highways
This is my youngest dashing brother Joey, aka Fofe, in front of my big black van Isis. It took a lot of work to get this beauty out on the roads again, insured and registered and smogged and all that, and finally here we are starting our trek to Montana in the wee hours of the morning on August 7, 2009. At this point, twenty miles from home meeting up with our caravan partners, I had no idea if Isis would be able to handle this journey. There were seven of us and all our camping and backpacking gear crammed into each nook and cranny.

Altogether seventeen of us, yes 17!!!! of us made the long journey up to Glacier National Park.
When we arrived at the motel in Missoula my heart overflowed with gratitude and joy that Isis made it all this long way, her joints and angles all weighted down, her brakes giong out, struggling and huffing and puffing over mountain passes in the Bitterroots, she made it!
Here I am expressing my delight that we made it to Montana! And here's to many more road trips to come in the belly of the whale, our lovely Isis, who also brought us home.

also, i think we definitely need to love/appreciate our vehicles as best we can. we (personally) sometimes get caught up in the audi's deficiencies, but it's one reliable friend so far. plus i love my civic to death. 41 mpg on my last fill up.
we need to name our cars.