cast and crew of glacier trip
Welp i said seventeen, and yes 17!!! of us there were:
my friend carolAnn said we look like a camp! that would be my kinda camp for sure.

Introducing the cast and crew:
Pops, Daniel James Beatty, our loving and good-natured patriarch. The one who instilled this grand old love for the wild world in each of us. He's actually a pretty good hiker too. The sunshine dad, full of friendly enthusiasm for everyone and everything.
The glorious Adrienne Beatty, eldest sibling and our rebel leader. Ice machines are her favorite and she vocally despises bad weather. Animal lover extraordinaire with too soft a heart and a jolting passion for ideas and music. Makes people laugh so hard they pee their pants.
Next up is good old me, heather spring beatty. A little too loud and a little unruly but just unabashedly happy to be right where i belong having fun with all those i love so dearly.
My brother the illustrious Matt, adventurer and father and naturalist and genius. Knows a little about everything...okay maybe a lot. Sensitive and keen, he likes to discuss everything deeply and is our most reasonable Beatty. Seen here sampling homemade berry pie in St. Mary.
Mikie (migs), rugged individualist and freewheeling as ever with an endless store of undaunted energy. A lover, an actor, a talker and a dreamer. This guy is going places folks, if you don't know that already! Also mentor and inspiration to young Jarom.
Next up, our fearless leader Joey. Fofe. Youngest brother, it is he who planned this entire trip, he who gets the fiercest urgings to go out and see the natural world, climbing mountains and trekking paths to the wildest of places. Unstoppable. Also hilarious.
Now for our lovely partners in crime; here's Darin my hub. Mystic philosopher, dreamer, poet and musician and cinematographer. The gypsy scholar. My dashing lover. I'm a lucky girl and he is so good at putting up with Beatty craziness.
And gorgeous Amy, Matt's wife. A true mountain goat all her life, a trail runner, full of the most vivid passion for life's little intricacies and beauties. Notices every detail and loves to chat about the fun stuff. Mother to Jarom, Bella and Orion. A joy to behold.
Mikie's lady Candice, the peaceful and kind. Her beauty only parallelled by these mountains, she shares a sparkle of delight with everyone she meets. A brilliant thinker, converser, hiker,

and for any adventure and thoughtful in any situation.
Joey's lovely lady Emily (Emma/Em) who's got sass to beat the band. Always a little trick up her sleeve and a laugh to make the whole world laugh. Fellow animal lover and intrepid explorer, with a lot of cozy love to share with all and a natural storyteller.
The infamous Jarom Smith Beatty, six years old. Smart as a whip, considering details carefully just like his mama and a brilliant conversationalist. Budding photographer with his sister Bella. Playful and tricky, he adores his uncle Mikie.
The sweetest thing, Bella Spring Beatty. Imagination soaring....she constantly creates little stories, plays and songs. Encounters the world with cheerful attention and joy. Loves bugs and tadpoles. An amazing hiker like her mama.
The youngest Beatty, little Orion (Oey). This kid LOVES spiderman and pretending to do amazing spiderman acts. He LOVES getting rides from adults, swinging outward into the air with the most catching of glee. The boy knows how to have sheer fun; he lives for it. Also, the sweetest little mama's boy and a total cuddler.
Our indispensable Stanny (Stan Okumura). The Beattys wouldn't be complete without him. He is our backpacking leader and berry picker. And has a contagious goofy laugh and makes everything a little more fun just by being there. Uses a LOT of peanut butter in camping food.
Martin Torres, sweetheart and, I like to say, mountain man. A real Wiz, knows how to do all the rugged stuff with confidence and accuracy. Laughs a little bit shyly. When he left Thursday to fly home we all wanted to cry for missing him.
Indubitably Nick Savino. A little bit quiet and unobtrusive, he is right there always having a stellar time and being positive about things and helping out. Did the gross camping dishes a few times without even having partaken in the meal. A thinker and conversationalist up for any adventure and he's the perfect person to drink a beer with. Took the train home and got searched for drugs. ha!
And finally Nick's buddy Kyle Whelan met up with us in Missoula and accompanied us for the first few days in Glacier NP. Let us stash a lot of gear in his truck and drove the whole gang of us to the pub in West Glacier. A naturalist and humorist and fun guy to talk to.

That completes the line up of our Glacier National Park trip 2009. Our mom doesn't do camping but she's way into other stuff like art and movies and books. So we were only missing Art, Addie's husband but he BETTER BE WITH US EVERY YEAR TO COME. If you want to see last year's madness check out our Havasu trip into the Grand Canyon.
So there are the players. Now I will try to gather my wits to write the actual stories of our trip.