away we go!
lucy is learning to walk! she is a careful little thing, but finds that the fun of practicing standing up and stepping outweighs her innate sense of caution. she likes to take one step, maybe one and a half, then fall gleefully into mama's arms. she thinks this is hilarious.
in other news, we are going on a trip! we leave early tomorrow morning for WYOMING. the whole beatty clan will be road tripping and camping throughout Grand Teton National Park and Yellowstone National Park for ten days. we will be cavorting with bison this time next week. wish us luck travelling with our little wolf cub. awwwoooooohhh! we'll howl at the moon and stars to you all, good night!
lucy is completely adorable in that last photo, like a tiny dancer :)
she is full of joy and wonder, her little body taking her on her first steps!
hopefully she'll master the skill whilst away in the wilds!
i hope she's doing good on the drive! :)