almost a year with my girl
i can't believe that lucy's birthday is right around the corner. and that i have been raising a baby for almost a year now; what a journey it has been. as you become a parent, you are learning all the time, every moment, about yourself and your baby and what it means to be her mother. when you are a mom you make most of the decisions. everyone asks you questions about what is best for your baby, can she eat this? is this safe for her to play with? do you want her crawling there? why is she crying? even dad turns to you sometimes, although he can make a lot of decisions too of course, or you discuss together briefly. but always, always, relying on your instincts, trusting yourself and your baby, and trying to be smart and act like you know because, ummm, you're the mom. and although it can be challenging, it is also incredibly fun and endearing and mind expanding. it is pure pure love and it makes me wiser and stronger and more alive. lucinda violet is eleven month...