six weeks and nineteen months
and now for a little polly and lucy update. polly is six weeks old. she was sleepy, so sleepy, for the first month or so but now she's really woken up. she has big sparkly eyes and a little mouth that makes so many cute funny shapes. a very round head and face, round features. i always knew our babes would be round. she is quiet and good, and seems to have an incredible gentle wisdom behind those eyes. she is starting to talk and coo to me quite a bit; i think she is excited to communicate. she loves to be held in our arms, and is not fond of bouncy seat, swing, or boppy lounger like toot was. she loves to feel our skin: a cheek on her head, her hand to a chest. she does sometimes just like to lie on her own and calmly look around, for a strangely long amount of time. also, polly is an eye-gazer extraordinaire. she wasn't an extremely early smiler like lucy or her cousin scout, and she doesn't smile all the time, but when she does it is ...