
i don't know guys, i'm just in a good mood. i just wanted to say hi. just drank the best/strangest beer i ever had, Consecration by russian river brewery. sour. it is a completely sour, deliciously sour brew. if you like sour you will like this startling flavor like cold wood from the sweet mossy floor of an enchanted wine-soaked forest of my imagination. anyway so addie and i shared some and it's made me a wee bit loopy and happy and dreamy. i thought i'd show a few more of my Color Outfit pics before i go off the wagon on that whole deal. i don't like that every other day's color is white or black or grey. in case you missed it this is according to my llewellyn's witches' datebook. dude they haven't used red or pink even once. it's almost february and i am ready for red and pink. also the colors of the winter sky: purple, navy, cerulean, lavender.

they do give me gray. this is a monday color,

a gray day, also a bookstore day.
i like trying to dress bookstorey for work days.

i like gray because my billy-bobie has lots of gray. other than that, i only have four or five items that are gray in my entire life. i really do like it though...for rainclouds and skies and silk and brains and stones and castles and whales.

on a sweeter note, i had a girlfriend's reunion with some of my oldest and dearest ladies.
addie (my own sis, lucky me) rebecca, carolann, and doniella.
ten years ago we celebrated new years in ashland oregon with midnight swinging, bar hopping, creekdipping, swan dancing, and a ridiulous little exercise called B.A.Ps.
(i will let you in on the secret. it's "books and pens" club)
actually darin was there (only boy! before we were together!) and addie wasn't.
anyway point is us girls go waaaaayyy back.
each one of them is a poet, a brilliant and magical dreamer, and a sweetest heart woman of wonders.

and now we're drinking this kinda wine, if you know what i mean ;)

it was a perfect girls night. looking at old photos, talking about sex, and eating copious amounts of pasta.

oh and a little chocolate cake never hurt anybody.

addie kept a cozy fire going all night in her cabin in the woods.

my color the next day was yellow;
a color i can easily embrace. and the girls liked it on me so i was happy.
i got this gorgeous old south american vintage embroidered skirt years ago when special thrift store skirts were still cheap.

ahhh life, colorful silly rambunctious life.
it's tuesday tomorrow. that used to be our magic day, addie and i. we would go leave secret notes on our friend's cars at the college parking lot then take weird random little day trips around the county being goofy having laugh attacks, peeing our pants and listening to erasure and yaz.
here's to lollygaggin my friends.

outfits, gray:
dress: thrifted, $5
tights: gift from marmy
wool jacket: thrifted, $3
necklace: handmade gift sara brought me from mexico
flats: from crossroads a long time ago
belt: thrifted, $1

outfits, yellow:
sweater: gift from em
purple top: old, f21?
yellow skirt: thrifted vintage Guatemalan
cowboy boots: thrifted last week $12


Teeny said…
You look divine in that grey and blue dress!!!! And yellow totally suits your disposition. But I too, would be hanging out for reds and pinks, and the bluey blues. I'm so craving a girls night just like the one you had...full of womanly wisdom and goodness and FUN. Keep smiling Heather, your blog always makes me smile.
sarah said…
I like those legwarmers with the little flats! very bookstorey, absolutely.
i love slightly buzzed heather!! this post cracked me up. i wish i could drink some wine with you and your girls. they look like my kinda ladies. and i freaking love the leg warmers. omg how i love leg warmers. must get some. yellow is my favorite color to wear....happy happy happy color. and i love your hair in a bun! very sexy book store lady.
thanks for your supportive comments on my consumer whore post!
Amy Beatty said…
I want to go to one of your lady parties. So nice to see such beautiful friendly faces. Can't believe they don't have red or pink in the book. I love your new layout of your room. Can't beat the built-in brick nightstand. xoxo
Cel said…
I like the grey outfit! It looks so snuggly warm. I've been living in legwarmers myself lately, it's so chill here...
Courtney said…
I think that sour is an acquired taste - one that I do not yet have! But your description of it makes me want to give it another go, close my eyes and picture the mossy forest floor.
Nikki Mortham said…
I adore that first outfit, especially with the leg warmers. So perfect!
Ryan and I got a bottle of "monogamy" at our house warming party. It stuck out as kinda perfect. AND yummy ;)
Anna said…
I LOVE that striped dress! The whole outfit is so cute.
Violet Folklore said…
Have I ever mentioned my envy of your Super Fun and Fancy Free life? ;-)

I love this whole color-a-day thing, such an interesting way to approach outfit creation. I think I shall try it someday. I have been way into grey this winter, my every day jacket and hat are grey.

You are, as always, a dear little darling in your vintage frocks.

We must take Mill and Missa to the bookstore!

Thanks for the drunken wordgasms babe, they make me feel better about my own blogging proclivities. (Okay, proclivities may imply that it is something that happens often. It is not. But when I feel like my tongue needs a little loosening, I may add some Bailey's to my coffee before starting to write my post. It's only 10am? Well, this is my job, I do what I have to do).
Milla said…
So much love for this post about your best ladies, your silly self, and dressing for the Bookery. Which, by the way, amber is right, we HAVE to visit.

The good woman energy you surround yourself with spreads and lights up your posts. Thank you for that. It also makes me miss my best girls back home something fierce, but luckily I have another set of best girls here and we've been talking about a little get-together. Maybe I will forge forth with that before our big journey towards you and yours.

I adore those little leg-warmers, what a treat to see you in grey and the next outfit with the skirt is perfect perfect perfect! I've been thrifting/dump finding a bunch of those dresses and a Oxacan one as well, and you having tried to learn embroidery for a while now, I really appreciate the craftsmanship. Craftswomanship that is ;)
Crystal said…
You're cute and lovely and I love your woozy thoughts. Please, please, please do a week in words yourself, I love to read your writing.
Missa said…
Oh Heather, you should be in advertising. Not only did you get me to finally start reading Just Kids, which I am totally into by the way, NOW I want to trot on down to the Russian River Brewery with my book and sit at one of their outdoor tables on this sunny day so I can sip on a pint of Consecration while I read!

Your stripey dress outfit is SO ADORABLE. I'm imagining you whipping off your blazer at the end of your bookstore shift and skipping off to dance class :)
Nicky said…
Picture me throwing a tantrum right, screaming "I want that!!!!" to your super cute leg warmers and stripey dress with the belt!!!! hahaha just kidding- I'm not the tantrum type- but OH MAN is that a PERFECT outfit!!!! You look so stinkin' cute! :D And the yellow skirt??? too much- I'm gonna end this before I start sounding strange! haha. Love that your girlfriends all get together still and have such a lovely time! I've got a group of 4 good gals that go back about 15 years! :D One of them spent the night last weekend. I brought her coffee in the morning and we tried on all the vintage clothes from my shop :D Such girls still- hehe Happy Wednesday sweet gal!

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