goin' out west

just after sunrise, bundled up and ready to go in the early morn.
addie lives about 15 minutes up in the mountains, so darin drove me to her house and then she and i took off on our long drive. up highway 50 through the sierra nevadas.
first stop was a weird little gas station stop called Fresh Pond, where lo and behold, we see our good friend martin! he does very dangerous work up in trees and meets his crew up there before they go climb way up into the massive pines. he is a jolly good fellow and it made my heart glad to see him as we headed up the mountain.

over the summit to tahoe...
and into the great nevada basin

lucky for us, addie's husband artie is the greatest snack packer ever. he prepared us a cooler full of healthy road trip snacks: sliced cucumber and onions, yogurts, sliced cheddar and havarti cheese. in a separate bag we had bagels (pre-sliced by art), rosemary crackers, mandarin oranges, apples, organic pretzels, avocado.
we pigged out all day!

i teased addie about her traveling "outfit" - sweat pants.
she thinks my taking "outfit" shots is kind of hilarious anyway, so i snapped some of her...

being sure to show the detail of those lovely sweat pants! this picture cracked us up every time we looked at it.

being sisters on the road is great fun. we listened to and discussed new albums (new iron&wine anyone?) and talked about everything under the sun, plus a few of our classic laugh attacks that leave us gasping and crying.

we drove the sun down in western utah,

and the sky was perfectly reflected in those crazy salt flats.

we made it just in time to meet up with matt and amy and kids at our favorite thrift store ever, the infamous DI (deseret industries) which is massive and sprawling and chock full of goodies. and they close at NINE PM. (i've sung its praises before.)

then hit up local favorite (soooo busy!) JCW's for milkshakes, veggie burgers and fries.

back at home bella demonstrated her newfound piano skills. she writes her own music on giant sheets of posterboard as you can see in the background, with song titles such as "i like fun," "the rabits" and "fun is evrewer"...she says she wants to be a singer.

then we had a mini-christmas with the gifts addie brought. the kids were soooooo excited....

so much so that in the fun of undoing packaging, a proud little jarom got over-exuberant with his pocketknife helping his baby brother open a spiderman video game. jarom had gotten the pocketknife for his birthday in november and was feeling pretty manly doing the job. addie spotted his enthusiastic cutting out of the corner of her eye and said, "jarom you're kinda freaking me out with that pocketknife..." and next thing you know, he has sliced into his own wrist. yes, wrist.
and believe me, blood was flowing.
luckily my brother matt is a jack-of-all-trades and quite knowlegeable about first aid and the perfect person to have around during a crisis. jarom was so scared, screaming through his tears..."i hope it didn't hit a vein! i don't want to die!"
it was heart wrenching but kind of cute.
i was busy hugging and sweet-talking the victim. i even got blood on my neck somehow!

a nice cold orange soda brought to you by your little sister would cheer anyone up.

jarom's wound (although it really was scary and quite deep) healed amazingly cause he is one heck of a strong little lad. on sunday he claimed the hot springs made it feel "GREAT!" i'll write about that part of our trip tomorrow. for now, after our long drive and family antics, we all went off to bed in this super cozy abode that houses this amazing offshoot family of mine, amidst gifts from ghana and new zealand, books, plants, kids, sweetest love.


Milla said…
You guys are so very cute. I love all these adventures of the Beatty-clan. At first as I was reading along and saw that pic of Addie, I was like what she talkin' about she's wearin' a super classy blazer. Addie looks quite adorable in this ensemble the perfect mix of class and sass ;)

Getting up early morn to head out for an adventure is priceless. One of the best feelings in the world.

Do tell us more on this sojourn.
Amy Beatty said…
Heather!!! We never traded pics!!! What is to become of us? I love this post. So dear and near to my heart xoxo. You are getting quite good at capturing the perfect shots. I couldn't help but laugh when I could see just a tad of little yellow hair in one of those scary pics of Jarom. He was just walking around in that hat :). I want you BACK. Can't wait to see tomorrows post xo
Crystal said…
I have lots of other things to say about how amazingly adorable you and Addie are and how much I love orad trips but there is something I'd like to say that is most important of all.

Bella is my hero. She is awesome. She is talented. She is Brilliant. Honestly, I could go on all day. I'm working on a post of pics of women with instruments and I'd love if I could add this snap. There is nothing, but nothing better than a little lady expressing herself through the arts.
AdieSpringB said…
It is TRUE. Bella has serious talent and creativity.

Milla, the blazer....I borrowed it from Heather in that moment! My entire outfit was just soft and gushy "traveling clothes" as I call them.

Bun. I am so glad you take occasional photos. I took 2 the whole trip.
fun!! i so want to take a road trip with my sister. there is nothing in this world more special than sisters.
Cel said…
Those photos are fantastic, looks like you had a great trip! Ah, little boys and knives, they'll always get into trouble with them. But dads are there to save the day!
Nicky said…
Looks like loads of fun! I love how you're torturing your sister with sweatpant pictures! hahah. Good thing you didn't get blood on those super cute feather earrings :D And that house looks SO cozy- I wanna curl up and take a nap now!
sarah said…
looks like you're having a crazy good time! your photos have left me craving a milkshake and some pomegranate izze!
Violet Folklore said…
Okay. Those kids. Are the cutest ever. The music writing! The vein cutting!

Have you been to the DI in Sac??

The photo of Adie's pants is hilarious!!!!!!!

And dude, Art's snack packing is so amazing! Shit, for that reason alone he needs to be a dad.
Missa said…
Seriously, I'm ready to hire Art to come pack Clover's lunches!

Oh my gosh, "fun is evrewer" needs to be a bumper sticker, and it needs to be stuck to the back of Isis!

Never a dull moment with you kids, and Addie's sweatpants detail shot is priceless, it's important to keep it cozy while travelin' :D
mattbeatty said…
love your wonderfully taled memories! thanks for bringing it all back (already). these types of journeys need to happen oftener.

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