"The mountains are calling and I must go." - John Muir

off into the wilderness we go, my friends and I, singing our songs
and clamoring the majesty of Perseid's crashing stars.
Swept into water cool and bright as sky,
that flows from mountains cross cities far away to the sea.
Our spirits clean,
we lark and walk together in the trees,
and laugh maniacally
at shadows prancing on the rocks
in elvish gayety.
this is how i know you're you...
the water on your skin
the taste of sunlight in your food,
the clapping of your glee.
this is the camp we make at evening tide,
the space we fill with tiny things that redwoods hypnotize.
these are our roads, sturdy and wide
through the hodge-podge stones that exist outside of time.
we are queens adorned in costumes made of wild lupine and weed.
every door is open here,
the tavern of my heart serves up moonlight broth tonight.
and we wrap ourselves in goosedown quilts to
feather a midnight nest of light.
breathless with the frenzy of the universal show,
the skipping rocks of stardust through the edges of our earth.
it is this that lasts forever,
and keeps dripping on the surface of the passage of the days.

"and the Japhies of the world go prowling in the wilderness, to hear the voice crying in the wilderness,
to find the ecstasy of stars, to find the dark mysterious secret of the origin of faceless, wonderless,
crapulous civilization." (kerouac)
this is my revolutionary plea.
come be a Japhy of the World with me.


Unknown said…
Love the poem and the series of images that go so well. Looks like a magical time was had!
Runic Rhyme said…

I wasn't invited? Pooey :[
mmm, so lovely. i love the nature out in your neck of the woods. i used to camp out there quite a lot when i was a kid being raised by a pack of wild hippies, and i have the fondest memories of playing on rocks just like that around swimming holes just like that one.
is your partner portugese? he looks very portugese. i'm portugese as well, so i like to make a game of trying to guess if i can tell.
and that pic of you on the rock...swoon. i have mad hair envy, girl. i chopped mine off in a fit of post pregnancy mania and i regret it so much.
mattbeatty said…
what an amazing group of people, event, poem and photos. very inspiring, wonderful--jealousy-inducing!

how late up did you stay? was this silver lake?
Teeny said…
Magic magic magick! I cannot wait for bbqs and camping and warm starry nights. I loooooove the white smocky tunic you're wearing.
And you can't fall off a mountain, right?
Lovely words, lovely photos. Awww....
YEAH FLAMING HAG, you truly get Japhy. Japhies unite, power to the mountains!
Starr Crow said…
what a PERFECT ending to this set of beautiful, nature filled photographs. some city people will never see a sky like that; isn't it sad? you make me wish i lived in a place like this, surrounded by such wonderful and happy people like you have there.

you know, places like this are all around me here in arkansas, but it's tough to stop life sometimes (especially when my b/f has a slave job...9-5, M-F...yak!). the photos of the girl in the water (is that you?) remind me a lot of Led Zeppelin's House of Holy album cover, in a less creepy way, of course.

also, thanks so much for your comment on my latest post too. weren't all the comments so introspective and amazing? i really enjoyed going through those. i think everyone helped me realize that yes, they do like my clothes, but that it's not the main reason they like my blog. i think somewhere along the line i must have forgotten that! on one hand i think the internet fashion world is great, but on the other, i think these huge fashion sites (lookbook, chictopia) are bad for a women's self esteem. they make you covet so many things that you normally wouldn't need or want! i think it's safe to say that you girls made me forget about all that. i have a feeling my blog is going to be a little less fashion related after my break which is unbelievably refreshing to me and ultimately makes me want to get back at blogging today! thanks so much for always being so kind and supportive. you have a way of saying all the right things!
Missa said…
Mmm, I could sure go for a nice warm cup of moonlight broth right about now ;) So much loveliness and wonderful pics, I adore the rock shadows!
Milla said…
Oh Japhies of the world, your lovely adventures entice me so. I'm so very jealous of your little gang traipsing to the mountains. Did you see the meteor showers up there?
Cel said…
That looks like such an amazing time! I have to admit I'm extremely jealous. I don't see enough of nature, and I can feel summer coming to an end not too long from now. I'd love to visit places like these someday though, so far away from Canada!
Courtney said…
Such a heavenly excursion into the woods! What a perfect opportunity to celebrate the meteor shower.

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