the kinds of things i love to find

i am sure that all of you have a particular style of thrift store shopping. personally, mine goes something like this...
  • rush to the dress section, start flipping quickly through them (by the way why do i always feel rushed when thrifting? it's like i think someone else with a passion for vintage is breathing down my neck the whole time...)
  • if i find a uniquely perfect one, i throw it over my arm and hardly look at it so as to not challenge my luck
  • get distracted by some straw hats or ankle boots on top of the rack, sending me off to go check out these sections too

  • see a cute calico cotton print sticking out of the blouses, rush to check it out, flip through hangers frantically
  • move to bathing suits, strangely drawn to fleurescent 80s loud print one-pieces
  • see white eyelet fabric somewhere, head toward it...
  • find an odd-shaped dress that is obviously homemade and fall in love with it
  • run my eyes over purses
  • thumb through men's tee shirts looking for vintage fonts and graphics
  • zipping around the store like this, i end up with a pile a mile high over my arm which starts aching
okay, you get the picture. i'm a chaotic shopper. the only constant really is that i look at dresses first. sometimes in a new place though i'm already distracted by other fabrics and colors along the way to the dresses. cause if there's one thing that is clear, it is that i am easily distracted.

now this batik beauty, emily found for me. she and i probably have an eye for very similar things and we go thrifting a lot together. it's a good arrangement because she graciously hands over to me anything that is not quite right for her, (being the smarter shopper, she goes home with four or five items, i go home with forty.)

i have realized that things that seem a little eccentric or crazy to other folks just seem alluring and wonderful to me. i especially love homemade clothes. i can just feel the time and energy and care put into these items, and it makes me feel connected to crafty old-fashioned women who take pleasure in creating something with their own hands.

i'll leave you with some photos of new items going up in my shop. this photo shoot happened the day after the epic day emily and i spent vintage shopping together.
we were on an eighties kick bigtime. i'm still thinking about those SEVENTEEN mags!

and this doesn't even touch the tip of the iceberg. i'm talking stretch pants and massive shoulder pads.
they're coming.


Amy Beatty said…
That dress is way too cute Heather. I wish I could shop with you and Em. She is the perfect little model though - I love it all.
Unknown said…
I always go to the dresses first too!
Courtney said…
I have the same distracted sort of method, but I am so slow when I get into a thrift store. Sometimes I think the sales people start giving me funny looks because I spend so much time drifting from section to section.

Your batik dress is lovely - I don't think I've ever seen anything like it. Definitely one of a kind.
Missa said…
Batik beauty indeed, it's so adorable on you! Your thrifting style sounds oh so familiar to me, I hope we get the chance to do some thrifting together one day :D

How cute is that pink polka dot number?!
Teeny said…
I know! What is it with the feverishness of thrifting! That dress is absolutely perfect for you. Now i'm off to check out your shop.
see you lady
Cel said…
I go straight to dresses too! Haha... They're my favourite thing to wear though (I hardly wear pants at all anymore, maybe once or twice a month), and then skirts come in second.

I usually pick up way too many items but I don't leave with too much because I force myself to be picky about things.

That dress you have on is awesome! It looks so fun and comfortable. I know what you mean though, about liking something that other people find odd or peculiar in terms of clothing. I've gotten used to getting funny looks from people on the bus whenever I'm wearing my 70's dresses or my totally intense hippie forest child garb haha...
okay, so we are part of tribe of thrifters with the same shopping style.
and i get totally anxious, too! but in my (our?) defense, i have been standing a foot away from someone--who CLEARLY could not POSSIBLY appreciate vintage as much as i do--when pull the most amazing dress ever right from under my nose. so maybe i have just been around the thrifting block is all....

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