a fun saturday night and the Big News around town...

saturday night we watched emily's brother's band play a show at my favorite summer hang-out, marco's cafe in lotus.

brett, bass player extraordinaire, and his band the Ingredients were phenomenal. it was their farewell show; he's heading up to redding to go to the fire academy.

potato-pesto pizza...yummmmm...
brett's best friend, evan, aka evergreen.
it was ida's (sitting next to darin) last night in town too...she's on her way back home to norway now and we miss her already.

i LOVE marco's. it has the best summery vibe, all the river rafters hang out here and there's live music and delicious food and sometimes vendors selling crafts out front.
here's my friends justin and laila, the owners on the left, with anothony our buddy who works there and other staff. how fun is this?!
and of course i had to pose with the band.
these kids were truly incredible and utterly entertaining.

but the BEST PART OF THE NIGHT was when joey and emily took darin and i aside and told us that they are going to get married!

he has been saving this little box to put the ring in for over two years.
once prop 8 got overturned, he knew it was time!
the ring he got her was from the native american trading post and then he proposed to her on main street placerville!

i cried.
i could not possibly be more happy.
to have THIS GIRL as my sister!


Milla said…
Congrats to the Happy Couple! So very sweet! Oh Happy Day!
Teeny said…
Ah weeeeeeeeee, what fun and merriment! Congratulations for them.
Kelsie Lynn said…
heather I just have this incredible love for you! I feel like i miss you...yet..we've never met so thats a little weird.

nonetheless, loving your tan, the newly engaged beautiful people and your life!
hope you are well.
Hoodoo Voodoo said…
awww Heb I love you so much! I cant believe we will finally be REAL LIVE SISTERS!!! Now lets get to planning this wonderment! Couldnt do it without you!
Missa said…
Yay for the happy knews! Big congrats to Joey and Emily, adorable couple that they are! That box is too precious :)
Unknown said…
Awww the message in that box made my heart ache a little bit. Oh love! Congrats on the growth of your family!!!

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