Fashion Inspiration - 80s Seventeen Magazines

a friend of my sister's gave her a whole box of old Seventeen magazines.

there are some amazing treasures in here.

check out this, my fashion inspiration from the june 88 issue. the spread was entitled "desert bloom" and it is totally going to fuel the fire when i pack for our southwest road trip this fall.

the captions are pretty rad: "for those who like a little passion with their fashion--the latest in salsa-inspired looks."
i think i like a little passion with my fashion indeed.
by the way, recognize the model?

this next look is one of my favorites.
 i am dying for a blouse like this.
but THIS next one is my absolute fave.
this is how i want to dress every day of my life.
caption reads "fanning the flame -- passion flowers in full bloom." mmmmmmmm.

i can tell the 80s were my formative years...i am still enchanted by some of the looks from this era. tons of chunky jewelry, flowers, overabundance of accesories and color and flair...this never gets old to me.

here's another spread from the same issue.
this one also kills me and appeals to yet another approach to my feminine/girly/cutesy fashion sense.

 they call this look "romantic peasant clothes of the french countryside".....nice.
the caption here is charming: "you don't have to close your eyes to imagine strolling through the rustic beauty of Southern France. It's as easy as slipping on a floral print crop top and skirt..."
okay if you're sure, seventeen, i'm willing to give it a try.

this little jumper makes my heart glad. i'm obsessed with criss cross backs lately, and the sky blue color is perfect for late summer. the tiny hat on the bun, not so much....
"inspirations from nature..." i love.

i'll leave you with this gorgeous photo. i need to make this moment a reality in my life, soon, preferably with a sash around my waist and culottes and a cropped sweater falling off one shoulder.

there's a lot more of these...these are the actually pretty ones, but there are tons of crazy looks with giant hideous geometric prints and slogans. the 1980s were an interesting fashion era to say the least. i'll show you guys the ugly ones another day!


bonfire of my vanity said…
omg, i would love a box of old magazines like that. do you remember Sassy magazine? that was the shit. i would love to find an old box of those.
Amy Beatty said…
No little hat on the bun? Don't know if I can trust your judgment anymore. But your favorite is also mine too, so I'll forgive you! I need to find that same outfit and wear it on Mattys b-day - during the trip. I'm hoping you know that we really plan on crashing it for like a week. Will Darin die? We have been dying to do the whole four corners thing forever. We would die if we didn't do it with you. We do so much with just our little family that we are so looking forward to having our favorite people around. love you xo
Missa said…
Oh man. I was SIXTEEN when this came out. I was OBSESSED with fashion magazines and I think I actually remember that first spread! Haha, and look at lil' Milla Jovovich, she was just a baby! Wow, thanks for takin' me back :D

The 80's get a bad wrap fashion-wise because the bad stuff was REALLY bad and there was lots of it, but there was good stuff too, as you've shown here.

What a jackpot though, to receive a whole box of old seventeens, I'm jealous!
the Citizen Rosebud said…
blast from the past!

i remember having the first five years of Elle magazine from the /80's. Pristine condition. Wish I had them now.
Amanda said…
Like...I totally think I had that issue...

Lucky! I would love to go down memory lane with those...I used to save all of my old seventeens!
Vicci said…
Wow! I love the second spread, and I totally agree about the crossed back blue dress....
Milla said…
Lol! Vintage Milla Jovovich oh my and tiny hat on bun, so captivatingly tacky! Super jealous of your impending road trip too, bring me back some desert sands please.
the Citizen Rosebud said…
Heath-bar, I've recently given you an award for you blog. You can read about it on mine. Congrats! you deserve it!
Heidi Ann said…
I LOVED this post! I am a lot older than you - the 70's were my teen years - and I have been OBSESSED lately with my vintage Seventeen magazines!! They are a constant source of inspiration (and memories!) for me. Unfortunately, they are often too expensive for me on eBay - but I get them when I can! I really enjoyed seeing the pages and clothes you have shown here.
Jenny said…
This is a very random question but when you were going through the magazines( ... yes, I see it was a year ago), did you happen to remember seeing an article on organizing/decorating small bedrooms. I am dying for a copy of the picture and article. I am having a hard time finding old Seventeens. Thanks -

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