All Tomorrow's Parties

emily just finished reading Just Kids (i'm making everyone i know read it, obviously) and she loved it.
so for her birthday, she decided to have a 1960s New York bohemian theme a la warhol's Factory. we called it the velvet underground party and played exclusively late 60s/early 70s psychedelia (til the hiphop dance party took over)
amy, me, emily, katie (em's cousin) all in black and white. (not planned!)
none of us are actually fans of andy warhol.
we're really just a bit in love with edie.

i followed another tutorial for my makeup. see what i mean about watching lots of tutorials lately? i haven't the foggiest how to do hair or make-up and thus i'm usually just a mess. anyway, i have never applied so much makeup in my life. but i loved this woman who does the tutorial because she says, in her cute british accent, that you can't go wrong because: "don't be shy," you just "slap it on" and that edie's "makeup was usually a bit slapdash; she quite often wasn't in the best state..." 
as for our factory, okay we didn't have enough tinfoil to make the room silver, but we did have white balloons and red lighting.

amy was in town for a surprise visit, woo hoo!!!
check out these 60's babes!

guess who else showed up? MIKIE, straight from LA.
as i've mentioned many times before, that means mega fun.

darin went for the dennis hopper look. kinda badass, huh?

the boys should dress like this all the time.

amber cut off her dress and used the hem to make a thick headband.
rachel had just come from her play! from one costume to another.

we thought these two might be the most authentic.
darin was proud to sport miss lauren by his side! 

dance party begins!

it was quite a night.
stan went around with his camera and filmed our version of the factory screen tests.
people had to answer questions with perfect honesty.
it was late in the night after many drinks; i'm scared to see the results!

have you seen warhol's real screen tests? he wanted to make film portraits, wanted to watch people watching him watching them. and he wanted to capture uncomfortable moments. ann buchanan shedding a tear is my favorite, so beautiful.

happy birthday emma babe.
thanks for bringing out the rock-n-roll in all of us.


Missa said…
Happy Birthday to Emily! This all sounds like way way too much fun!

You look amazing and totally modtastic! AND I'd just like to give Darin props on how he always goes the not quite so obvious route with these themed parties. Like the stoner motorcycle hippie who crashes Andy's Factory party or the Run DMC dude who stumbles upon the Erasure interpretive dance party and decides to stay awhile... I dig it.
how fun! i looooove the velvet underground. venus in furs is one of my fave songs. i used to love freaking my mom and dad out by blasting it. that was NOT the kinda shit they were into in the 60s. lol. i hate andy warhol. he's a pompous emotional vampire and i can't even look at him or anything he did with out feeling grossed out. but at the same time i love the whole factory period and yes, ms. edie. poor, poor ms. edie. great fun!
how fun! i looooove the velvet underground. venus in furs is one of my fave songs. i used to love freaking my mom and dad out by blasting it. that was NOT the kinda shit they were into in the 60s. lol. i hate andy warhol. he's a pompous emotional vampire and i can't even look at him or anything he did with out feeling grossed out. but at the same time i love the whole factory period and yes, ms. edie. poor, poor ms. edie. great fun!
Crystal said…
Oh, my. Edie inflames all of my wish-I-was-petite issues. I just want to be teeny tiny so I can pull off that haircut dammit! I think it always looks better on the naturally fairy looking types.

I'm not a huge fan of Warhol either, but I saw a documentary on him that gave me a much deeper understanding of his significance. He also came of as really likable. Freaking weird but likable.

I love your theme parties. You and your friends must totally light each other's fires with your creativity and passion for life. Culture doesn't happen unless we make it happen!
Sadie Rose said…
wow thanks for all the tutorial tips. that makeup pixiewoo lady is amazing! your edie makeup looks bomb!
AdieSpringB said…
Lauren Wessman look insanely legit. So does Joey. I totally thought there would be way more people. Guess I should have gone!
Sailor Purrs said…
I can't wait to read "Just Kids!" My sister sent it to me via the post recently. And any time you want to visit the Warhol Museum, you are welcome to stay with me in Pittsburgh.
AlphaBetsy said…
I need to read Just Kids. Two years ago a Warhol exhibit came through Columbus and we watched a lot of the films and screen tests. Very cool. Everyone looked amazing. I am so envious of the amazing group of people you are surrounded by. The parties you all have are always amazing and look so fun. :)
Teeny said…
You ladies are rocking modmode! I love the makeup, hair, and attitude of that time...very sharp. And Darin looks AWESOME. And oh dear about the truth telling exercise....good luck sweets.
Informed Mom said…
WOW. Hot damn Heather, the Placerville crew has done it again!!
What a seriously fantastic idea for a party. You all look so good (mhmm, including the men). How fun to have so many friends, and those who've moved away, all together.
Hip hop dance party!? Where was I?
I am off to watch those screen tests now. Oh, and I want to see Stan's too!
Nicky said…
Man, there's no holding back on the fun with you guys! Looks like such a fun time... too bad you didn't have enough foil cause that room's looking pretty cool! haha. Love your slapped on makeup!!!! :D And yes, hip hop always finds its way in and unsuspecting little gals bust out their deep down gangsta' moves... it cracks me up every time (especially if everyone's dressed up-like for a wedding).
Cel said…
Well Darin looks officially fantastic. Now if only more men still dressed like that on the regular :D
Milla said…
Heather-doodle, the first thing I wanted to do when I saw this post late late monday night was to scream, via the medium of typing, "YOU'RE A MAKE-UP QUEEN! I AM SO FREAKIN' IMPRESSED!" and then I saw Darin's outfit. (vest included ;) OMFG. You guys rock! I am so totally going throw some sort of costume party when you guys come visit, even if it's just the us in my living room/kitchen. Gosh. Happy Belated to Emily, looks like an awesome one. I went through a warhol-circa the interview are-phase, during my early 20s because I was so obsessed with Truman Capote (hhhmmm...that's a post topic...). Did you know that in the 50s, long before he had done anything of note, young Andrew Warhola used to basically stalk Truman, sending him little watercolor valentines that said things like "Happy Thursday"?!?!? Love it. But not as much as I love this post and the vicarious pleasure of all the adventures of your party posse.
Amy Beatty said…
ADE- I wish you would have gone too. I was totally planning on seeing you there :( But I was only there for a moment myself. It was such a delight to hang out in the bathroom and watch you girls apply make-up :) Wish I could have stayed for the whole thing xo

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