Long Skirts and Poesy

in spring i want to wear long skirts every day, and swirl through flowers.
and piles of books.
these are bookstore outfits
cause long flowy skirts are perfect for bookstore days.

we're feeling fresh, the whole town struck forth with new vigor when the sun came out last week.

shakespeare wrote: "april hath put a spirit of youth in everything."

that's another thing...in april i want to read poetry.
it seems to somehow go along with wearing long skirts.

or maybe it is because it was this month two years ago when i took my big Master's exam,
cramming my mind and imagination full of poetry and literary passages.

in any case, there are mixed reviews, poetically, about the month of April.
back when i took that exam, i memorized these lines:

April is the cruellest month, breeding
Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing
Memory with desire, stirring
Dull roots with spring rain.

even in springtime, Eliot's view is bleak and fragmented by disparities, always frayed around the edges by decay.

but mary oliver writes this:

In April the Morgan was bread. I was chased away.
I heard the cries of the horses where I waited,
And the laughter of men.

Later the farmer who owned the stallion
Found me and said, "She's done.
You tell your daddy he owes me fifty dollars."

I rode her home at her leisure
And let her, wherever she wanted,
Tear with her huge teeth, roughly,

Blades from the fields of spring.

her april is full of a harsh sensuality, a forceful merging of male and female,
a time of energy and desire and an almost violent blooming.
Loss, but some kind of sweet freedom.

and then there's chaucer. who begins the canterbury tales with these lines: "Aprill, with his shoures soot/ the droghte of march hath perced to the roote / And bathed every veyne in swich licour..."
(when april with his sweet showers, the drought of march hath pierced to the root, and bathed every vein in sweet liquor)

well, naturally, that's the sweet-smelling time that folks want to go on pilgrimages! and tell vulgar stories. and lose your virginity. and fart. 

and then there is my old stand-by, edna st.vincent millay.
in fact the very volume of poems was named Second April.
a return to springtime, with perhaps a new view:

To what purpose, April, do you return again?
Beauty is not enough.
You can no longer quiet me with the redness
Of little leaves opening stickily.
I know what I know.
The sun is hot on my neck as I observe
The spikes of the crocus.
The smell of the earth is good.
It is apparent that there is no death.
But what does that signify?
Not only under ground are the brains of men
Eaten by maggots.
Life in itself
Is nothing,
An empty cup, a flight of uncarpeted stairs,
It is not enought that yearly, down this hill,
Comes like an idiot, babbling and strewing flowers.

I think, sweet Edna, that what you're saying is....it is enough.
indeed, it is enough despite your anguish.

how about you? are you reading, wearing skirts, strewing flowers?
i've enjoyed our sun, but the rains and snows are coming back. i'm trying not to take anything for granted.

blue floral maxi skirt: gift from milla
tanktop and shrug: old, thrifted long ago
necklaces: homemade by me or addie
flats: ecothrift last year
headband: a ribbon from milla's package

red embroidered maxi skirt: thrifted last week for $3
white blouse: also recently thrifted for cheap
red china flats: ecothrift, 99 cents!
necklace: cost plus imports
blue denim overshirt: had forever, thrifted back in the 90s


Moon to Moon said…
You have such a lovely blog. I love those shoes
ashley said…
Billy is getting so big!! In fact, I almost typed Stormy, as he is growing as big as that big love always will be in my memories.

It is so hard to stay focused on anything with this incredible springtime happening everywhere. I dont remember it being so hard last year- maybe all the rain and snow this year made us really miss good ol' sunshine.

The warm sun has been feeling so nice on these ashen stems. Ive been wearing shorts and skirts much more often than I ever had in previous years!(And that red one of yours with all the buttons is gorgeous!)

Thanks for the poetic start for this morning. I'll give the whirlwind that is April a second chance.
Tina Dawn said…
I love the picture of you with your kitty. Now I have to go hug both of mine. Great post.
Milla said…
Wow. My feelings exactly. After the long winter, and so harsh this year, all I want is to walk in the sun and feel it on my face and read poems of exacting magnitude, everything emphasized and raw like the earth scrubbed clean.

I've actually been reading nothing but nonfiction and poetry. I'm reading simple living books, books about bees, poems by Sylvia Plath(?!!!) (I haven't read Plath in so so many years...), Mary Oliver, and Nathaniel Bellows. Sometimes all I can manage before bedtime is one little poem.

There's so much to do.

Love to you little naif.
Cel said…
That floral maxi is gorgeous! It looks like it would be fun to twirl and spin in.
you little spring fairy, you. in that second outfit, with the cropped shirt you look like a belly dancer. your posts always make me so happy. you have an infectious spirit. thanks for your sweet post on my blog today. and i have something for you. can you email or facebook me your address again?
Andrea said…
You're so adorable! A vision of loveliness in your flowy skirts :) I distinctly remember the feeling of Spring when I lived in the north country. You truly felt it, as we all rose out of hibernation, legs were bare, people were in the streets, the bikes came back... I also surely know how it feels to pass those dreaded exams, aren't you happy those days are done? I know I am.

These days I'm into fantastical realism... just finished St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves, and on to Swamplandia! Oh, and I was inspired to put on long skirts again by you, thrifted 2 flowy floras recently :) Thanks love!
Anonymous said…
That blue skirt is beautiful! ♥

We've been having similar weather here, the sun comes out if just for a moment. It's bitter sweet really, I love how the rain keeps everything watered around here, and makes so much grow, but then again, more sun is welcomed too.
Nicky said…
Cute twirly skirts and I'm lovin' those red shoes!!!! Hope you're well lil' lady :D
Informed Mom said…
This is so beautiful honey! I think I've told you this before, but after we saw each other at C&C just after you took your test I was so in awe of not only your new vintage collection, but of how cool it must have been to get a Master's in Literature! I mean really. In every college English class I took I just felt so lucky, like really? I get to read? and think about what I think the author is saying? and how I interpret it? this is school?"

So glorious a thing to be considered by establishments of higher learning as rigorous academia.

Yes, rain again, but not for long. Let's hang out soon, miss you.
Astral Boutique said…
I cannot believe this, I was reading a book of poetry TODAY and planning to put an Edna St. Vincent Millay poem up on MY blog! Omg! Ha ha ha ha! It really is in the air.............. I love it. Love ALL the poetry you have chosen. I forget about poetry, I confess, but April brings it out in all of us............... xoxox
Missa said…
Ah, Heather, thanks for making me realize that I need more maxi skirts in my life, as well as poetry! 'Tis indeed the perfect season for both!

I am so, SO excited about Sunday too! Yayyyyyy!

They keep saying it might rain here today, but as of yet the sun is still shining amongst the clouds :)
Missa said…
I was just reading your comment on Amber's post and you should totally commission Nicole to create one of her amazing tee reconstructions with one of your plethora of amazing tees!
Teeny said…
Thank you lady for the poetry and interpretation. Especially your take on Chaucer and it being a time for you to FART, you hilarious munster. Isn't the weather weird...we are experiencing an unsettled Autumn time....cold and rainy one day then sunny and hot the next. Which is great for my tomatoes, but i'm totally ready now for Winter to stay awhile. You look like you have a wild heart...love your red shoes. x

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