folktales and country songs

i can't believe it is already a new year.
two thousand and eleven,
year of the rabbit, year of the country, year of the moon.

this new year that i want to do folk dances and move into the forest and surround myself with animals friends.
wolves and fire and the voices of the dead,
wild vines and roses to adorn my head.

the photos above were unfortunately taken in the least folksy setting: a big new outdoor mall called the Palladio that was built in the suburban sprawling wasteland that is folsom california. where as-yet-empty storefronts freshly and garrishly painted are uselessly guarded by chain and gate and the gigantic 16 screen movie theater is always halfway deserted. darin called it a strange dystopia. which was kind of a fun setting to watch Black Swan on new year's eve and be transported to a fantasy ballerina world of dark wings and desire.

rose scarf: giveaway prize from sadie deluxe
teal blouse: thrifted for 50 cents
black crochet vest: was my mom's in the sixties
square dance skirt: very old, thrifted over ten years ago
black tights: gift from mama for christmas
boots: from charlotte russe last year (cheap but so comfy)
shrinky dink tarot card necklace: made by darin for me for christmas
beaded heart locket: made by em for me last christmas

the real truth is i found this record at the thrift store the other day and now it is all i want to dance to
in my new folktale life...

because as these handsome musicians themselves proclaim on the liner notes, it "spontaneously empasizes the underlying sensuality of all folk expressions, concentrates on the beautiful and the danceable." (!!!!)

instead i've got my friendly neighborhood dance parties.
to music more like beyonce and 2pac.
this year our dance party theme was tribal. addie wasn't into it (choosing a quiet night at home with her hub instead) but i got all painted up and called myself Starchild and darin and i went out a-dancin with our friends.

kissed my honey at midnight and bid adieu to the wanderings of 2010.

ready to move forward with the revelries and heartaches of new days.

someone yelled "it's SNOWING" and we california souls all rushed outside in ecstasy.

a little jubilee,
a romantic spree
a country year for me.



sanya said…
happy new year! i hope its filled with wonderful times. i just wrote about black swan on my blog! and how im dying to see it, but sadly it hasnt come to my local theater yet, so i may have to wait for the dvd release. you really inspired me to start my own blog and although i literally just began a few days ago i am really enjoying it, so thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and rousing me to do the same! cant wait to continue reading through 2011 :)
Cel said…
Snow in Cali! It was raining here in Canada... I was at a party in Montreal by the water, and when I came out this morning, the difference in temperature between air and ground had laid out a heavy thick warm fog. You're awesome, Starchild ;) And I really love that outfit!
Crystal said…
Blessings to you in the new year, Starchild. It's so lovely to see all your people rush outside to enjoy the gift of nature. We're apt to dance in the rain here, or jump into the ocean. That's country life for you. Seems like you're on the path. I hope you're life is full of love and miracles in this new year that is full to brimming with fresh opportunities.
Missa said…
Happy 2011 to YOU! Your folksy outfit is so cute, you would fit right in on that album cover, what an AWESOME find that was, btw! Love the shrinky dink tarot necklace, what a fun gift :)

The Starchild outfit is head-to-toe spectacular. I love, love, love that headband. Last night when I was getting ready to go out I actually thought about having seen you wear it and what a perfect festive New Year's accessory it would be, wishing I had one like it, so I'm so glad to see that you wore it!

The dance party looks like it was super fun. I did some dancin' myself last night at our friend's party and got up the nerve to do Karaoke for the first time ever :D
Milla said…
Happy New Year Feather Heather! It looks to be a glorious one. I love that folksy album, Missa's so right, you'd fit right in it it. In fact, you and Addie and Emily should start some sort of female folk group and release a record with mushrooms on the cover ;)
Dance parties, seem fun as always. Man you guys must be such experts by now. I want to come witness the moves.
It snowed here a mite too, but alas we kinda missed it. Fun was had all the same (it was C's bday, he always gets a party).

Lots of love and hopes and blessings and dreams and dresses and well wishes to your new year.
Amy Beatty said…
I was about to write - Merry CHristmas!! Can't believe it is a new wonderful year already. Matt and I just walked in the door from the movies. We finally got a babysitter and said - heck , we never go out lets see them all. All happens to be Black Swan and True Grit. I love the tribal theme. You always play the part perfect. Glad you guys had such a happy new year party. Love you xoxo
Teeny said…
Happy 2011 chickpea! No snow here, just a mild evening when the sun set low down at about 9.30ish..the birds and the babes asleep we melted eventually into our big ole bed.
much love teeny
Kaylie said…
Happy New Year, my blogfriend! Hope this year is magical and your loveliest yet. Looks like it is already looking good!

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