soaking it all in....

i have four or five holidays posts i was supposed to write, haha. but for now i am just busy waiting for the baby to come, and soaking up the joy of this bright bright girl who is about to become a big sister.

she charms me and blows me away every single day.
this was the first day of our brand new year:

a couple days before that, she wore piggy tails for the first time. a true little big girl! hung out with her nana that day.

her newest absolute obsession is drawing and coloring. here she is saying "mama! daw! daw!" such a  busy busy girl.

after naptime, rosy cheeked, taking her socks off. she loves to do her own undressing. and dressing in anything she can pull over her head.

nana got her an elmo for christmas, and her favorite game is to throw him down, the little rascal. her bigger cousins thought that was hilarious so she quickly learned to relish the game.

today is my due date. 40 weeks pregnant. there is so much i feel today, full of potential and promise. a big swirling bundle of wild and fruitful energy. 
here we go!


Teeny said…
Beautiful lady! These moments are ever so precious the closer you are getting. Look at your big girl Lucy running off on Elmo, so sweet and funny....much love to you xoxo
Jessica said…
Thinking of you! I know you are enjoying these last beautiful moments before you welcome your new daughter into the world.
Tina Dawn said…
Happy new year! Can't wait to meet your new daughter. Love the photos of Lucy, what a happy girl. Love T
Amy Beatty said…
Heather!!! I'm dying! I can't believe you wrote this right before you gave birth!! you are truly something special and Matt and I both have asked everyone but you and darin to text us a pic to no avail. Guess everyone is sleeping :) with good reason :) Love this post and miss you guys so bad. that lucy is pure joy and I think I was with you when you got that cute vest. So glad you have pictures of lucy right before she became a big sister and of you on your due date. I love you endlessly and over and over again. kisses to my sweet family. And I swear if I didn't get sick the day I got home I would have driven right back out. matt saw me moping around yesterday and was like i"ll by you a plane ticket!! he some how forgets that a sick person is the last thing any new momma wants. I can just picture you cuddling your new bundle now and just makes me so beaming happy. Can't wait to hear and see all about and to get my sorry behind back out there. love you xoxoxoxox and polly, lucy and darin. the sweetest little family xoxo and bella has started to call cats meow meow in honor of lucy :)
Katie said…
Sending you lots of earth mama goddess vibes for a beautiful and seamless birth! Can't wait to see the newest addition to your special family. Much love from Tennessee :)
Milla said…
A pregnant pause ;)
I love that last pic of you pregnant, perched on the brink. How exciting, magical this still is, always is. A few years ago things were so different and now they're different again, ever changing and re-arranging. I can't wait to meet the toots someday, These two little sweetbreads of joy, I think we'll get along rather swimmingly. Love to you and your growing family.
Unknown said…
Lucy is the sweetest - and I am sure she will make just the bestest big sister EVER! (Well, maybe not better than MINE are....)
Unknown said…
IS she here? Is she here? Can't wait to hear about your newest lady's arrival!!!
Your little girl is one of the cutiest ever!!!

Best wishes as you bring your new baby into the world!

Laurie S.
polly compost said…
i can sense the magic that you were swirling in. you focused your lens on lucy just a little bit more, knowing inside that her sister was soon to come.

magic times.
and now i eagerly await the post about your heroine goddess tale.
red moon arrow said…
oh my gosh the pic of Lucy with elmo on the ground just had me cracking up. I love kids! she's so sweet with her crayons too. xo
Traceyrita said…
What a beaut! I'm so happy that you had a successful VBAC...that's HUGE! Can't wait to see Luce with her little sis! What a beautiful fam! Xo, Tracey

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