She's Here!

i am thrilled to introduce you to our new little baby, 
Polly Diana Spring.

Born Sunday January 5, 2014, at 1:52 a.m. 
7 lb 4 oz, 20 inches long
\she is just the sweetest little thing.

 i had her via natural VBAC just as i'd hoped. i am looking forward to posting my whole birth story; it was a really incredible, powerful and sacred experience for me, raw and intense beyond words. i will be doing my best to write it up soon while it's all still so fresh.

now we are going about the business of establishing this little family of four. i have a one year old over here who is very, very excited. 
i can tell lucy and polly are going to be best of friends.


Milla said…
That last picture, Heather! Your little fam just growing and flowing and blooming. Love to you guys, so much love!
Anonymous said…
oh,wow! i'm so happy for you :) may she live and be healthy! (approx. translation of the traditional saying in romania for a newborn)
kerttu said…
Unknown said…
congratulations a million times over. she is beautiful!!!
Congratulations! Your family is beautiful xxx
Anonymous said…
Congratulations! I am very happy for you and your family :)
Heidi Ann said…
The cutest family! Congrats to all of you!
Anonymous said…
Huge congratulations!!! She is absolutely perfect, and I love her name! I am happy for you that the birth went how you wanted it too, and wish you a beautiful time getting to know your sweet second daughter, and finding your new rhythm as a family of four!

Andrea said…
When I saw the post on facebook, I don't think I really quite understood just how special this was! That Lucy will now have a baby sister so close in age! It was my dream as a kid. How cool and close are these two going to be? Just lovely...

I am on the edge of my seat waiting to hear about the fact that you had a VBAC. Seriously-- please tell us more! Was this planned? Did you deliver with a midwife etc? So wonderful to know you were able to, but then again I have been hearing this more and more lately.

Hope you are well and resting up my dear friend. Much love to you :)
polly compost said…
she IS here, and i can feel her the breeze and hear her in the songs of sweet little winter birds.

can't wait to hold this little being!

love the last little family photo, three became four!

polly compost said…
she IS here, and i can feel her the breeze and hear her in the songs of sweet little winter birds.

can't wait to hold this little being!

love the last little family photo, three became four!

Jessica said…
When I saw this post I gasped with excitement! I am so happy for you and your family! Congratulations!! Polly is beautiful (and so is her name!)
Amy Beatty said…
OOO POLLY POLLY POLLY!!!! what a bundle of love. I can't wait to see lucy interact with her. I hope you guys are adjusting well and that you are all so healthy and happy. You guys are the cutest little family. It seems weird but I can remember feeling more like a real family after bella was born, like maybe I was just playing house before. Or maybe she just was missing before and she made us more complete. I love you guys so dearly. Can't wait to hear your story xoxoxxoo love you xo
i had to sign into my blogger account just to comment on this wonderful news! congratulations on your VBAC! i had one, too and it was really an amazing experience. i am so glad that you were able to do that. your baby is just lovely and i hope you are resting and enjoying this short and amazing time with both your little girls. my oldest kid is turning 7 in two days and i just can't believe how fast the time has gone. soak it up, mama! <3 <3 <3 <3
anne said…
what a little sweetheart! congratulations and i can't wait to read about the birth!
red moon arrow said…
What a beautiful dream come true! SO happy you had a great birth and baby is healthy. It's such a divine miracle when we come into this world! Oh Polly is so very blessed to be greeted by such loving parents as Darin and you AND the cutest little big sister ever! Happy times!! Love you Heather. You guys melt my heart over and over again. Looking forward to seeing you and the family very soon. Big hugs!!! xoxo
amy*lou said…
congratulations!! what a beautiful baby girl polly is. a lovely addition to your sweet family.
Tina Dawn said…
She is just the cutest thing since Lucy! Another lovely old fashioned name. Congrats and can't wait to hear about the birth but you rest too! Love Tina
annalouise said…
Huge congratulations!
Tera said…
Congratulations!!!!!!!!!! So beautiful and I am so happy for you and your VBAC!! YAY!!!!!!! Looking forward to your birthstory!
Lucy and Polly, just so awesome!!!!!!
Jenna E said…
So beyond happy for you FOUR! I hope you are all doing well and am looking forward to hearing more about Miss Polly.

Anonymous said…
Many many congratulations! Sisters! Such a Blessing xxx

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