underfoot the divine soil, overhead the sun...

when the seasons change i read walt whitman and am happy to be alive.
 a reminder to go out into the world, the real world of earth and flower and fire. to feel it under your feet, on your skin, to loafe and invite your soul and be in the wild mystery.

darin and i went up into the mountains. golden yellow aspens and green pines welcomed us, a forest of explosive color and magic. it was like the daylight blew wind into our souls, fresh and cool, down into our legs and sparkling in our eyes. that is what happens.

we stopped at tragedy springs. it was totally different from when i was there as a kid; i always remembered an ice cold well or water pump and some cute little visitor center. now it is just a cluster of abandoned buildings and a gravesite. 
death=life, tragedy=regeneration. 
a maiden's grave becomes a blooming sage, a feathery fern.

All goes onward and outward, nothing collapses,
And the die is different from what any one supposed, and luckier.

they were blasting rock at carson pass, so we stopped to hike a while. it got quiet and an owl flew calling overhead and a tiny pond mirrored the sky. i could see the peaks of round top and thunder mountain as i wandered out, wishing i could get lost awhile.

 my favorite bakery in all the world. any time we head over the mountains we stop to see the beautiful proprietess that all the boys love and taste her wickedly delectable goods. we had coffee and pie; mine marionberry, his lemon sour cream. nothing like a great slice of pie in a cozy room with a fireplace, pumpkins, wooden bar and twinkly lights.

then for more walking, creeks, burls, stones, meadows. 
layers of color rich as umber, rust and blood.

I am enamour'd of growing out-doors...

off i go...I tramp a perpetual journey, (come listen all!)

i'm cheesy, but struck by how nice it is to have a crush on your own husband, it's embarrassing!

What is commonest, cheapest, nearest, easiest, is Me,
Me going in for my chances, spending for vast returns,
Adorning myself to bestow myself on the first that will take me,
Not asking the sky to come down to my good will,
Scattering it freely forever.

Stop this day and night with me and you shall possess the origin of all poems.....
The feeling of health, the full-noon trill, the song of me rising from bed and meeting the sun.

all lines from Song of Myself.

dress: $10 on etsy, came with matching vest
little brown vest: borrowed from em
slouchy hat: thrifted 50 cents
sandals: thrifted 1.50
boots: had forever, cheap knock off mocs


Amanda said…
you guys are so cute!
amazing pictures! the colors of the nature surrounding you and your dress and hat and boots are are perfect. mmmmm fall.

i celebrate myself! i sing myself!
Cel said…
Gorgeous photos! And it's not embarrassing to have a crush on your husband, it's wonderful! I feel bad for all the married couples I see who are barely more than room mates anymore. You look absolutely lovely in that dress, too.
Andrea said…
aw Heather... these are gorgeous photos! i love the last one-- just amazing :) I also think that I'm moving to live in that bakery.
anne said…
i love this post heather! everything about it!

just wondering if you got my email last week. no big deal that you didn't respond if you did get it, i just don't want you to think i never sent you the code. you know how stuff gets in your spam folder sometimes. :D
Nichole said…
this is so very beautiful and resonates with me a lot. i can't WAIT until i move southern-towards! thank you for sharing!
Anonymous said…
mmmm. this was so yummy to read. yummy mountains and changing colors, thoughts of yummy pie, yummy you, yummy hubby, yummy walt. yumyumyum. your love for life, for nature, for the people dear to you is always such a nourishing experience whenever i read your posts. i am so grateful that you share your exuberance and experiences and not a little jealous. but in a good hopeful way, in that i am reminded as i sit in my city dwelling, with children yelling outside and neighbors honking, of the richness and beauty out there...and in my own heart too. love to you heather. p.s. lovin your stylins, as always.
Teeny said…
hahahaha oh you are so lovely. In this sour ole group of friends I spend time with it is rare for the wives to speak so kindly of their husbands (I always do, but no one else does....it's always complain complain, whine, whine, he doesn't wash up...blah blah blah)So it is wonderful to read such sweetnesses from you for Darin. Lovely. And I wanna go there. To that bakery. Mebbe I can?!
Sheree said…
Sweet Heather, I too have a crush on my husband. Taking moments to just stare at him as he thinks I'm a bit silly. So I just tell him I'm just admiring his silver dipped chest warmer(his beard).
...the last photo is AWESOME and MUST be framed with poetry. You are so beautiful. Thank you for another uplifting post xo
sending some LOVE, Sheri
Elizabeth said…
This really is a sweet taste of the season there. Its so wonderful to love so much and to share with another!!! You two look like such a gorgeous bright shining couple rambling about in beauty. Just a beautiful post: ) x E
polly compost said…
I'm inspired, hope valley here I come. You two made it at some perfect yellow time. Perpetual wanderer, w.w all the way, all over that whole spousal crush thing. Nothing better. Xoxo.
Milla said…
Dearest Heather, we've been sick for the past week, and glancing at these last few posts, I have refrained from commenting, simply because I wanted to take it all in and write something legible. (after making sure with heart full of trepidation that CP was still fully in the land of living, loving and drooling ;)

I love the images and words of this post so much. Your own beautiful self, mixed with nature and the words of beloved, prophetic grandpa Whitman. I'm really so in awe of your sweet smile, your prairie style and your everliving love for your hubby, whom of course we all vicariously adore. I know exactly what you mean too, for every day that he drives me batty, I still look at my husband adoringly as a teenage girl often and wonder how I ever got so lucky.

Much fall love to the both of you!
AdieSpringB said…
oh my gosh I LOVE THIS POST!!!! I am completely ready for the goodness of Fall now, and this post captures the beauty completely. I want to take a fall drive to Malakoff Diggins soon, the leaves are beautiful there too, Marma and i have gone before- or as you probably remember, my ghosty night bachelorette party in the cabin! Anyways, I so want to go get a piece of that pie in that bakery. So delicious. I miss you guys, we need to join mountain forces soon and go on a Pville-NC adventure! Art wants to go to placerville this week, maybe we will meetcha for a brew at Brick Oven? Til then, LOVE!
Kelsie Lynn said…
ohh. thank you for sharing. I have so missed your beautiful face. nature is such a good reminder of where you are in relation to the world, your life, god and happiness. These pictures are so pretty.

Sending my love!
Missa said…
So much beauty in this post! The photos, you in that dress amongst the perfect fall surroundings, but most of all the sweet love between you and that gem of a husband you've got. So inspiring Heather!
Amy Beatty said…
i can't believe i'm so far behind on your blog. you might have noticed i have been affording all blogs - mostly just mine :) and i can't even really remember anything I just read because that last photo in this blog is my absolute Favorite one EVER. I want that to be me. The simple pure beauty of it captures me completely xo

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