
oh sky, thank you for sending rain by the bucket full right when i needed it.
i realized after my whiny post that i must be crazy. at the thrift store during the storm yesterday i heard other people claiming we've had too much rain this year, that it rained in june, july, and september. 
well as for me, my dry old dusty heart was tumbled in the raintides and came out smooth.

this artist's smock was another brigit gift that i've been dying to wear. the colors are my exact favorites this fall, emerald green, pumpkin and violet and needless to say, a million pockets are an absolute dream come true. i want to fill them with paintbrushes, pebbles, tea bags, acorns, bits of lace, pencils and candy corn.

shiny fall roads await me. i drive up the hill and everything is gleaming and smiling and shaking off the raindrops and lifting up faces to the downpour. the pears, the blossoms, the grapevines....all so alive and refreshed like a huge barn dance of nature.

the sun comes and goes, the clouds race above, the sky changes every moment and the rain turns on like nostalgic tears that make you laugh and cry at once.

not to mention pure COZY. for three days has been books, cats, tea, red wine, movies, conversation, cooking and snuggling.

we joined some of the gang at the pub for some coffee imperial stout (darin) and Ommegang hennepin farmhouse ale (me). and some good baby lovings...oliver was soooo cozy in his soft little onesie, he is the most delicious bundle to hold and bounce and talk to, busier and more inquisitive than ever.

he loves to watch live music. he is quite attentive.

 it was late but darin and i stopped by to help out at our friends' new studio where the little fam was hard at work painting and getting ready. this is the big news on the street: zack is opening his very own gallery/shop/art space at 434 main street! 

all this rain and cold and sweaters and coffee makes my heart burst open with love. october has about a trillion activities upcoming; joey and emily are all moved in so we have a very busy household and six resident cats who are hard at work finding their roles within this little feline community. at night i snuggle under an extra blanket (windows still open...i can't help it, i just love the sound of the rain so much) next to my sweetly sleepy husband with my cat on my pillow and lay there smiling to myself and practically crying at the nice peaceful coziness of it all.
i hope you're all loving october so far too :)

blouse smock: vintage, gift from brigit
high waisted jordache jeans: vintage, thrifted $3
socks: clothing exchange with friends
Doc Martens: thrifted ages ago
necklace: thrifted $2.50
feather earrings: two different ones, made by friends


Teeny said…
That smock has the most beautiful hues. Am glad the rains came, and lovely little bit at the end from you about the coziness of inclement weather and us hibernating humans.
Anonymous said…
We had rain not so long ago, downpours that made me so giddy. I know exactly how you feel. xoxo
Cel said…
You got your rain! And here, it's sun sun sun. It's supposed to get nearly summer-warm again this weekend, and I'm planning a wee solo picnic for Sunday.

I really like the outfit with that tunic. You look like you could have stepped out of the 1970's.

I'm excited for tomorrow... thrifting with a friend.
that looks so adorable on you! and i love darin's shirt. my very first vintage purchase, at the fair age of 14, was a shirt like that.
Amanda said…
You look so sweet!
Amy Beatty said…
Blessed rain!! We also got it and even some snow on the mountain tops, a little early but I can't complain one bit because they are ever so amazing plus they still have all their fall color. I'm sooooo thrilled Joe and Em are back!! I have been missing them on most if my trips out there in the last year, they are always so busy or just doing their own thing. But I'm sure I will see them tons more now that they are with you since there is always just a day or night or dinner or party going on there :) love that your house is once again full of cats xoxo they are all so cute! And speaking of cute..... You!!! Love that top and the cut and colors. It looks perfect on you. I also love the little photo of sylvan. He is such a funny guy. He never fails to make me smile. Xoxo miss you. Glad you guys are having such a blessed fall!
Milla said…
Yayya smock and rain and fall time! I love the descriptions of the things you'd put in your pockets, you are like a dream art teacher come true. I love seeing your happy little folk. And the cozy picture is exactly what I'm living right now, C and Kissa snuggling together on a chair, one half asleep and the other, well, sound asleep ;)
Sweet dreams my lovely.
Nicky said…
Oh man! I love that top!!! What a fun gift (and your jeans look adorable with it). I too was diggin' the rainfall we recently got! I haven't minded living in Southern California these past couple of years with a lot more rain and much milder summers. It's the weather I was wiling to move to find. Guess I just needed to ask for it ;) Happy Tuesday pretty lady!
Missa said…
More smock love! Ah yes, haven't these gentle bursts of rain been grand? Things are finally slowing down around here, getting cozy, loving it :) Hugs and many happy travels down those shiny fall roads!

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