sweethearts on parade

saturday night we got decked out to go to the annual ValenTIMES party.
i got this dress from beck's shop specially for this night.
(by the way she's in labor right now!!! can't wait to hear the news!!!)
it wasn't until later that i noticed i had tiny bows everywhere: on my stockings, on my skirt, and on my sweater. what can i say, i really know how to go overboard. :)
my date looked quite dapper, i might add.

addie came along with us, in a red-light femme fatale get up.
i knew i'd get distracted at the party so we snapped these photos before we left home.

and distracted i was...
here's what greeted me as i walked in the door!
homemade goodies for the sweetest of the sweets!

and a bunch of cuties gathered round tasting cheese and wearing pretty clothes....

....suzanne snuggles and carolann giggles. pure romance.

me and my fellow etsyer are automatic posers.
i have to admit, i felt so frisky in my poofy swirly cupcake of a dress!

sylvan had to go get his whiteboard and give emily a lesson.
they talked about cats, mostly our cats who have died (a very interesting subject for him) and he made her draw them and write their names. then he graded them with an elaborate point system. and smiley faces. for stormy he told her it was okay if she just wrote "storm" (being considerate.)

cute lesley in the best valentiney skirt.
(in front of her is my tray of homemade almond joys. they were sort of a flop, soooo sugary sweet it hurt. and the hugest mess; i don't recommend melting chocolate chips in a microwave and then trying to dip something in them EVER especially right before a party unless you want a raging PMS fest of annoyance. turns out that the sugary coconutty mess actually tasted pretty freaking good to a PMSing girl and i have polished off the grotesque amounts of remnants in two days flat. anywayssss.)

magic happens...
suzanne does a card trick for darin.

joey and the infamous tony windle....oh how i love boys in red for valentines day. 

stan and emily came up with something i think is genius:
toasting chocolates.

love, fun, shiny happy people!

we played "salad bowl" again. have you guys ever played it? it's like a 3-stage version of charades and i think it's totally addictive. we play with random words or phrases of any kind, any at all...which makes it super fun and weird and difficult and hilarious.
and that was our celebration.
i kinda love this new tradition of being totally social for valentines day and celebrating the love in a broader way!

it has been fun to read about everyone's versions of valentines day...i hope it kicks off a fun time of year full of activities and love.


Nicky said…
Your dress, stockings, shoes, and smile are addicting-ly cute! And Darin does look quite dapper! We haven't celebrated v-day as a group for a long time!!! It looks like so much fun :D Erick made steak and lobster... we're living like kings and queens- hehe
i love you. i love that you wear bows everywhere. MORE IS MORE!! and darin's hat is so kick ass. i would steal that shit if i were you. happy v-day!
Crystal said…
You look so sweet an huggable :) I love that you and your pals had a Valentimes day party, I think it makes the holiday so much more fun. I was just saying to my sister that Valentines isn't a really real holiday because we don't get together with forty people and eat a ton of food (we have a huge family) but it looks like your tribe is breaking into real holiday territory- I love it.

I'm so excited for Becky! Please tell us, like, instantly what the wee one's name is, okay? Assuming that's okay with Becky ;)

Love and Love and Hugs and Kisses,

(Oh, yeah. Never melt chocolate in the microwave. The oils separate and won't re-encorporate properly ever again. Gotta to use a double boiler. You can't do anything for too much sugar though- better luck next time!)
Crystal said…
Oh- Lesley looks like Emma Watson.
That is all ;)
Cel said…
You look absolutely amazing in that dress! It's so pretty.
Violet Folklore said…
Super fun! You guys are so rad. I wanna see you twirl in that dress girl. Keep us updated on Becky!!
Anna said…
Looks like an awesome party! It looks like you and your friends have so much fun together.
ps. That dress is fantastic!
Sailor Purrs said…
You look lovely-romantical, and I love the cat board.
AdieSpringB said…
Perhaps switch my pic for another? I am NOT approving of that one, espesh in comparison to yours.....

Cutie post tho other than that!
Geny said…
Heather you look so pretty and radiant in that adorable outfit, I love love that dress!! Looks like a fun time for sure!
Awww how cute are the both of you! I love your socks and the mary janes. I wish we have parties like these that seem cosy and fun!
Amy Beatty said…
I hate missing these get togethers!! Everyone looks so darn lovely. You and Ade take the cake though. I love all your sweetness and bows and Adie being such a HOT vixen!! WOW! Was Arty around?

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