It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas...

guys, you probably already know that at christmastime my true cheesyness shines through.
i can't help it. i actually get really excited about everything, all the little holidayish details.

like the parade...

i was in marching band in high school and it's my favorite part of the parade. this year all three of our local high school bands played and marched together. us bookstore ladies totally got goosebumps.

this donkey managed to look quite cheerful toting a christmas tree and gifts upon his sweet back.

i love working at the bookstore at christmas time.
everything is so dang jolly, and you're just selling books like hotcakes.
what could be more perfect gifts, especially cause they're used books...thus recycled.

we have a table and cart piled with christmas books out front.

after the parade on sunday i took a walk to look at the town's lights.
it had been off-again-on-again rainy so the sky and reflections all seemed extra bright and shiny.

below you can see the big courthouse tree in the distance.
the tree-lighting ceremony was one of the things i missed while stuck at home sick. (heartbreaking)

and our famous old bell tower all decked out.

all the little shops are gay and merry

there's even a spindly little decorated tree in the alley by the parking garage.

backside of buildings in the alley:

one of placerville's best traditions:
downtown businesses and assocations line the freeway that passes through our town with decorated and lit-up christmas trees.
this is something i have called "the lighted ladies" since i moved here at the tender age of 12 years.
in my anne-of-green-gables-obsessed nostalgia, i thought they looked like a line of fancy ladies going to a ball, thus
"the lighted ladies."

they look extra pretty this year!

you can tell someone's feeling a lot better!

i am loving this little lavender sweater and gold calico jacket i thrifted within the last couple weeks, for less than $2 combined! 

rambunctious as ever! and soooo ready for this holiday season...
and so i give you....

my top ten christmas songs.
not necessarily in order, but these are the ones i can literally listen to over and over.

my mom introduced this to me last year care of the starbucks compilation.
i am totally in love with everything about it. it makes me feel so good.
if you don't know it already, please listen to it.

i did a clogging routine to this when i was ten years old, it was like flying
this song makes my feet fly even still and it makes me smile and laugh.
and dolly just plain rules.
and look at that record cover, wow.

another one i fell in love with last year, when my cat stormy was dying and we got snowed in and everything just felt so big and full of love and tears.
from this album for a good cause.

i have adored this song since i was a little kid.
it makes me feel like everything is right in the universe, especially if there are twinkling colored lights nearby.

yes, i did it. i included amy grant. i can't help it.
this song reminds me of my family.
and i am actually really drawn to the nativity story and especially mary.

please tell me you've seen Meet Me in St. Louis.
it's one of my favorite movies ever; i wrote about it last year.
the scene where judy garland sings this song just kills my heart every time.

i know, i know.
i love the weepy ones, but they really make me feel happy and warm and close to everyone i love.
i guess i'm just a cheeseball.

agh! i love this so, makes me scoot around doing a little jolly dance.
it's from How the Grinch Stole Christmas, which darin and i love too - most of all that it takes place in a snowflake.

groban, groban, groban. if you ever thought you didn't like groban, just watch this.
i love saying his name; i love singing along to this song in my car (which i like to call a sleigh ride)
as loud as i can.
it's from the Polar Express which i am fine with never having seen.
but i love the lyrics and yes, i love groban's voice.

i believe that's all i need to say.

i know it is only december 8 but i am going to start saying it now, cause it all goes so fast.
MERRY CHRISTMAS! and to all a good night.

tell me your favorite songs, please!
i love discovering new holiday music.


Tina Dawn said…
I love your photos of the parade and our town at dusk. About 15 years ago at Christmas I bought many used Christmas books from the Bookery and they were my presents to numerous nieces and nephews and a few grownups too. My favorite Christmas song is O Holy Night, sung by anyone and everyone, even me! I also adore the entire Kingston Trio Christmas album. I put it on in the car and play it all season long over and over. Your post is like a lovely Christmas book to take out and read when my spirit is lagging. Thank you and Merry Christmas. Love Tina
i love the nativity story and mary, too. i have mary paraphanalia all over my house. and judy garland was my first obsession as a kid. that song rips my heart out too, and i love that movie because they have the BEST over the top 40's hair.

man, i wish i had a calico jacket. so cute!
Amy Beatty said…
I'm dying!!!!!!! That was the best thing I have ever seen - I went to your check it out and thought I was going to hear some beautiful song. I thought it was weird that it was going to be on Adult Swim - but who am I to question. What a fun joyous way to start my day. You know it is going to be on repeat all day in my head - bang bang cops and robbers :) He does have the best voice. It was too much to hear him sing those songs. If only they really did make a CD out of it. You look way fabulous. I think gold and purple are so bright and cheery, and also makes me think of Kings. "We three Kings".Purple and gold seem rich and noble. You have a gift at finding treasures! I love the photos from town the first one with the tree truck and one with the view of main street. Classic beautiful Placerville. They looked so dreamy. I see it just as Thomas Kinkade does. You captured it . Love this Christmas joy and that it is felt all over the world. xoxoxo
Milla said…
What about "Walking in the air"? I bet you'd love that. Placerville seems to be such a happenin' town, parades all the time, traditions galore. Love it. If you haven't yet you should read that Capote book, it's very sweet and touch like most of his work before in "Cold Blood"
Yuletide Joy and thanks for all your kind words.
Milla said…
Oh and OF COURSE, I love your outfit. I think I'm gonna wear the little jacket you gave me, thanks to this post. Frigging cute, sistah!
Teeny said…
I agree with Milla, that jacket is beautiful on you. Your town looks so sweet and Christmassy, you suit the town, and the town suits you. Not long till Christmas now!!!!
Little Lesiw said…
Since you pulled out an Amy Grant song - I'm dropped a little Michael W. Smith! Do you remember this one? I used to think it was 'awesome'. I have to say, all these years later, it still makes me smile.
Missa said…
'Tis the season to be cheesy, fa la la la la, la la la la. Haha, it's so true though.

I wore a lavender outfit involving calico and purple tights on Sunday too! Your whole outfit is adorable and I really love that little sweater, the neckline detail is lovely.

We went to the Victorian Christmas tree farm in Sebastopol. Got a tree and a super cheesy family photo on Santa's lap, all three of us together! Will post soon.

I always love the Vince Guaraldi Charlie Brown Christmas songs, though I think I kinda over did it with those last year so I'm trying to branch out, thanks for the suggestions :)

I really like this one too:

Merry Christmas!
theequinebovine said…
weep~tear~tear. I miss enjoying the holidays in Placerville. I remember the night I moved up to Placerville from the Bay Area. It was before the holidays, and the brightly lit xmas trees lined the freeway and there was snow on the hills. First thought to myself was 'What the hell is this!" then , "Hrm, pretty cool" The crisp nights , smoke filled air from fireplaces, the gentle hush of the foothills and the warm coffee in my hands from the coffee shop will always be memory that I can still feel in on my skin. Man, I miss it up there.
Thanks for creating such a awesome connection for me!
Happy Holidays sister!
hey lades, thanks for all the suggestions and sweet words! how lucky i am to have fellow christmassy revelers.

@ rachel...EPIC. that's all i can say. i think it was darby flynn who introduced me to michael w. back in the day.

@ missa, totally. we LOVE that vince guaraldi album and it is always in the cd mix on our stereo all month long. i just couldn't choose ONE song from it! and santa baby is soooo adorable and sultry.

@ milla, YES! how could i forget such a pretty classic. i am most familiar with the george winston piano version, now i sorta want every version that exists.

@ tina, i think i might buy that kingston trio album. it's new to exciting.
Anonymous said…
Cool photos! Thanks for sharing your top Christmas songs! I like discovering new to me songs! :)

marya said…
You should check out Aimee Mann's "One More Drifter in the Snow" - such an incredible Christmas album - I've listened to it on repeat every Christmas for the last three years.

You're adorable, Heather. I hope we can hang out in person one day! Happy Christmas!

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