walkin around in our summertime clothes....

nowhere to go while our bodies glow....
yes i have already named something this in my etsy shop (and yes they are indeed dorky/weird culottes that are also sort of irresistibly cute.) but as far as the title goes, i just can't help myself. the song is just too damn good and it's got that straight-up sticky-hot, feeling-fresh-be-damned, i'm-gonna-dance-anyway summertime feeling.
and things are like, weeeeeeee! around here, as always in the summer. it's true, world. i'll just admit it. all i care about is having fun and being happy. i only get to live once. i intend to have a damn good time. (i do work too, kinda a lot lately, but that part is sooooo dang boring)

especially with all this farm goodness abounding....
delivered from our sweet farmgirl friends straight to our doorstep.

it's becoming an obsession. skin and all, they're my new popsicles. just kidding, that could never be. the truth is, cucumbers and popsicles are both my power foods this summer, hands down.

because it is now like 100 degrees every day here. (and 91 inside the house)
half my yard is brown, my cats are skinny/saggy/lazy.
but that doesn't stop this pretty doe friend from hanging out.

or the rose of sharon from blooming!
but all we want to do is this:

or this, EVEN BETTER!

i'm putting my teeniest 90s cool airy floral dresses into the shop.
because they are the only thing i can stand modeling right now (besides bathing suits, a modeling proposition which i'm not too keen on).

get a load of these rad shoes. they're "riekers," anybody heard of them?

we had a little farewell karaoke party friday night for our friend grayson who's heading off to new york for film school. twas a wild summer night indeed. emily and grayson's duet of "we were only freshmen" could have made us shed a tear if we weren't laughing our asses off. (i wore a tried and true red polka dot vintage sundress originally bought over ten years ago at one of my old favorite vintage stores)

next up, best pic of the night.
polaroid taken at the bbq beforehand.
to be immortalized in our fridge-door collection.

how is it for all of you? hot as hell or not too bad?
what are you doing to stay cool or escape?


Anonymous said…
i have riekers! i thrifted them last year and had no idea what they were! i looked them up once...seems like they have been around a long time and are still making shoes. i love that green hippie dress you listed on etsy earlier almost as much as i love my riekers :)
anne said…
it's been over 100 here as well :O
unfortunately i'm not having nearly as much fun as you are... we've been packing for our move. we had found a house and were ready to go and then the whole thing fell through! so, we'll basically be homeless as of sat. thankfully our friends have said we can live in their backhouse till we find a place. other than that, ruben's band played last night at the best bar in sunset beach, it was muy, muy fun :D
ps- the polaroid rules!
Missa said…
It was actually pretty nice here this weekend, we're close enough to the coast that we usually get spared the unbearably hot weather.

Today we lounged in the park, listened to a free concert, and sipped some cold beers. Oh, and I wore a pair of thrifted shorts for the first time, I'm gonna try to get an outfit post up tomorrow :)

p.s.- those shoes ARE totally rad!
Violet Folklore said…
Dude! FUN! I love you Heather, for bringing fun to me at the end of a stressful day when I experienced absolutely *none* of this... fun!

Yay, gonna go peep your shop...
Those Riskers are quite the shoes. LIKE 'em.

Looks like a very good weekend. Diggin' your bountiful harvest of veggies, too.

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