star of the show!

trumping everything else going on in my world....
we got a new baby kitten!


our friends jorden and becky moved into a new house recently, underneath which a pretty little feral cat mama had just given birth to five adorable kittens.

they are around seven weeks old now, and ready to go to new homes.
we got the one j and b were calling "boots" because of his little white paws.
he was the biggest one, and sort of the leader. i felt terrible taking him from his siblings, but determined to help ensure that they ALL get great homes.
he's still very skittish about this whole ordeal!

he's gonna be a lover though, we can tell already.
he is just starting to setttle in, getting used to both humans and our household all at once.
it's a lot of work for a tiny baby.
darin wants to call him "billy the kid" after his favorite outlaw. but we're still quite open for names, and taking any suggestions related to old west outlaws, blues musicians, greek mythology, or the like. 


Amy Beatty said…
too cute. my kids are going to die when they find out you got another cat. They are still begging for one.
Courtney said…
Aw, he's too cute for words! Have fun with the newest addition to your family.
Aww, he's perfectly squidgy!!
So Adorable! We got a kitten in April and she is our great barrel of fun and love! Congrats!
Missa said…
Oh. My. Goodness. I think my heart just melted. What a little ball of CUTENESS!!! How fun :)
Kaylie said…
What a precious kitty! Too cute. It looks like you've been having an awesome summer.
Andrea said…
oh my! that first photo could be in a contest-- he's so CUTE! I needed some kitty lovin' today :)

Personally, I like boots! I found this list of outlaw names online though...
Anonymous said…
Goodness, he's adorable! Boots is a sweet name, but you should totally think about giving him one that has some meaning behind it. It's special to be able to name a new addition to your family!

I quite like this list of names of Gods and Goddesses from different cultures:

But if he were mine, I'd call him Zeb ;)
Teeny said…
Oh, so sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! Boots is a purrrrfect name! excuse the pun, can't help myself.
That's playing dirty putting itsy-bitsy teeny tiny cutsie kittens on your blog during sweep week. My heart refuses to melt over this blatant use of adorability. Ahahhh, splash. Melted.
polly compost said…
icarus...or adonis. <3 there's no love like baby kitty love.
Milla said…
Us too! Us too! That's so funny, that you got one the same age and everything, maybe they can be cousins ;) Oh my gosh Boots is too adorable! What a cutie-pie!
Oawwwwww, so cute, very SWEeeeettt ;)

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