Super Spectacular Saturday Sale and Send Off

I had the BEST saturday!!!! How about you?

Here's what happened to me:
- got off work early Saturday
- gave a friend from work a ride home, which happened to take me right past the local thrift shop so...
- stopped in and they were having their giant annual WESTERN WEAR SALE!!!
- excitedly called darin and my mom to come join me
- rushed around frantically piling prairie dresses and boots and tooled leather purses into my basket
- basically we bought out the whole store.
- got home and got ready for the going away party we threw for ryann
- darin put on some of his dashing new cowboy accessories
- i put on my flashy new lacy green square dance frock
- and then we proceeded to have a blast dancing the night away.

here's a sneak peek at some of the gorgeous country clothes i thrifted:

and here's the household getting ready for ryann's party:
darin shows off his new holster...this was quite popular with the boys throughout the night.

and here she is! the lady of the hour...ryann savino.
(with the adorable brittney i wrote about the other day)

ryann is going to work in the virgin isles all summer long at an eco, jealous anyone?!
then she's heading to walla walla, washington for college at whitman university.
great things are in store for this girl.
she also happens to be sister to nick who i wrote about  here. and by the way, side note, just in case you are following my little stories: he never did leave on his trip; he spontaneously missed his train and is planning a shorter version so we get to have fun with him this summer! (i think it's cause he's too in love with his lovely ladyfriend rachel!)

nick and rachel brought their new tiny kitten, philly.
she was a real hit, notice how she draws the ladies.
she explored the bedroom while....

the rest of the party turned into this:

a dance party, of course!
because ryann savino is indeed the dancing queen of all dancing queens.

we even had a little dance tunnel action:

our farmer friends jenny and greg brought the most delicious ayurvedic dish called kitcheree from homegrown seasonal veggies, delicious!
and have you ever tried this?
to die for if you're a coconut fan.

so basically what it comes down to is:
prairie dresses
cowboy husband

so yeah. i was in heaven.
i hope you had a delightful weekend too! i don't want to bore you guys with too much in one post (i know i go sort of overboard with the details but i get excited...) so i will wait to post about my lovely sunday tomorrow.


Amy Beatty said…
I LOVE everything about this post. You struck GOLD!!! I think I'm going to be sick with jealousy when you show me everything you got. That kitten is way cute. I need one. Matt and I toured Walla Walla school before and it was the cutest place ever. She is going to be perfect there. The houses are darling and you can just pick fruit off the trees while walking down the street. A really beautiful college, lucky girl. Your dress is so cute Heather and it fit you perfectly. I liked how you had your glasses on in the last few pics. You all are so cute. Matt is going to have to try the coconut stuff. What a beautiful bunch of peeps you all are xoxo
Andrea said…
oh wow! i'm still caught up on the "western-wear thrift store sale." How utterly amazing that they coordinate such an event! I'm happy to be back reading your lovely blog :)
Unknown said…
How much fun!!! And great western finds, I love when amazing vintage clothes just fall into your lap like that :~)
Jody said…
Don't worry, the details are part of your awesome posting and the fun! Please keep up with the fun details and fabulous pictures!
anne said…
a western wear sale!!!! man i wish i coulda been there!
looks like a blast :D
Missa said…
Yee Haw! What a perfect PERFECT day! Don't you just love it when the stars align such that a day unexpectedly keeps getting better and better? The western wear sale, now that is just TOO MUCH, you lucky gal!

My mother-in-law makes kitcheree, it's so good and SO good for you. I really need to get her recipe. Also, YESSSS that coconut bliss stuff is soooo gooood. I love it with hot fudge :D
Teeny said…
I always love your party tales and pics. So yay! Inspirational you are.

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