bunnies and eggs and chicks oh my!

i have always loved easter, with its festive springtime displays, but i never really knew what to do with it. i have always dreamt of doing a sort of "sunday service" out in nature or in our backyard, representing the ageless dramas of the gods and goddesses, the passage of time, the secrets of the seasons. a little spiritual connection made possible by a day given special resonance by our present day culture. 

and i do hope to incorporate some meaningful ceremonies as the girls get older. but for now, with these babies about, it's just colored eggs and baskets of goodies and fun. a big old spring celebration!

the big morning:

lucy is still too young to conceptualize a giant bunny coming and bringing treats, but she sure had fun looking through her basket nonetheless. and i, of course, gave into the consumerist trickery and bought the girls bathing suits on clearance at target, along with some other impractical hogwash for which i quickly felt regret.
but the best-loved easter gifts were the vintage berenstain bear figurines i got on ebay, and the barn animal set i got from etsy.

and of course, a new (used) book, which promptly required reading.

and then on with easter dresses and bonnets!

we had friends and family over for a little brunch celebration. emily is on a special diet due to her baby's colic, so i made a gluten-free, dairy-free coconut cake for the occasion. it turned out pretty dang good! i followed this recipe.

all the spring chicks were in attendance!

arlo born february 4, polly born january 5, and scout born february 7.

both my mom and addie brought gorgeous flowers from their yards. a green thumb runs in my family: why didn't i get it?!! but at least i get to appreciate their bounty!

ade and utah. he is 15 months old now, starting to talk, and such a great playmate for lucy! they adore each other.

becky and arlo. he is a sweet, mellow, BIG baby!

zack and polly did some bonding during the egg hunt.

there were three participants in the easter egg hunt:

but only one who would enthusiastically proclaim, "I'm on a mission!" as he ran for each one!

nana brought all the babies new books to read in the sun.

and the poppies were in full bloom for easter.

my pretty cupcake!

having babies around on easter really reminds you what it's all about: creation, fertility, hope, new life. the love that binds us all together, on a planet that requires our care and thoughtful respect. birthing and raising babies, we hope to be contributing to a legacy of love. 

hope you all had a beautiful day!


Jessica said…
These pictures make me so happy! All of those sweet babies on a beautiful spring day! p.s. I had those Bernstein Bear toys when I was growing up! Seeing them again brought back so many memories!
Teeny said…
oh man, babies on blankets on damp grass with books in Springtime sun.....I have so many of those memories myself; those are some of the best times. I love how your family has come together to celebrate so sweetly too. Ahhhhhh! just saw the bunny house vase, adorable! And please pass on to Em that she is rocking that lipstick. I wanna be there! x
Unknown said…
Arlos's run big in my experience.
Amy Beatty said…
oh my gosh!! never such beauty in a blog!!! I love it!! just pure love xoxo those babies and their newest toys are the best. I love the pic of lucy kissing polly xoxo I love all the pics. those beautiful flowers and all those sweet babies. Utah and his little brown man shorts!!! everyone is just glowing. and great job on that cake. sounds and looked GOOD! love you alll soooo much xoxxo
polly compost said…
this is the best! i am loving ALL of these photos of your babies and the other BABIES! scout almost looks blond in some of these photos, and this is my first time seeing arlo! how sweet! utah is getting so tall and those berenstain bears are the dopest shit. linky would swipe those in an instant. :) i think the girls will grow up loving easter too; you'll always keep it meaningful and earthy for them. what a beautiful time to celebrate the Mother and reflect on the egg of all living! xo
Cel said…
So many little munchkins! It's like the universe just knew that it was time and gifted you all with babes so they could grow up together.
Tera said…
Dreamy, dreamy, dreamy!!!! Love these photos, they are timeless because captured are those quality of life that are so timeless, love, babies, family, pretty days....wow! I have to say that this is now my favorite post. I know what you mean about Easter. I was thinking that as well. We have our own family celebration but I want more, make it more. I think you are well on your way. Oh and Polly has this lil serious streak that remind me so much of August at her age. What gorgeous babies!!!
anne said…
looks like fun! don't i always say that :) but really, it does! all the little babes together are so cute.

the girl's baskets are great. i love the berenstain bear figurines and one fish two fish is a favorite around here.

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