lucy's first birthday bash

photo by cassie

my baby turned one! it's so crazy to me. i haven't even fully processed that yet, the fact that one year has passed since i became a mother, the fact that it has been one full year since i met this dreamy sparkling hummingbird of a girl.

we threw her a garden party in our backyard. i spent the early part of the week trying to tidy up our backyard and make it cute, which is an endless task, the results of which will never completely satisfy me. but in any case, we had a nice place to hang out, play, dance, eat and celebrate this precious little girl of mine.

party prep:

sunflowers remind me of her birth because several people brought me sunflowers in the hospital, that and fresh lavender. it was this that made me want a "garden party" with visions of a bumblebee pinata (till i realized none of my friend's kids really eat candy) and little potted flowers for party favors (till i realized i was broke.) it pretty much turned out to be just a plain old backyard picnic; the most gardenny thing happening was little oliver watering my marigolds.

as could probably be expected, naptime was a no-go that day until about 4:30 pm. so she was still asleep when the party got started. when i finally brought her out she was a bit overwhelmed, taking the whole thing rather seriously.

photo by cassie

warming up, greeting her guests. i mean, c'mon, all her favorites were here! including abby the dog!
photo by cassie

picnicking on the lawn.

baby central on this here quilt. lucy and aesop both wore vintage 50's baby outfits. dying.

photo by cassie

cousin utah is such a curious little gent! lucy can't keep her mitts off him.
photo by cassie

photo by cassie

KIDS GALORE! it's so fun to have everybody around. 

photo by cassie

lucy was back in fine form in no time. giving out topes and everything!

prepping for some cupcake action.

emily made her famous fresh strawberry cupcakes!

aaaannnnd she digs in!

she picked up plops of frosting rather daintily at first, but it wasn't long before she was grabbing the whole cupcake and basically shoving it in her mouth. and it wasn't long after that she was reaching for more....but i was so pleased that the only thing she wanted more of was the fresh strawberries on top!

feeling GOOD.

it was such a nice evening. i felt surrounded by goodness and so glad to raise our children in this community, and it was nice to just know that lucy is so appreciated and loved. not just by me, and her dad and grandparents and aunties, but her whole tribe adores her.

photo by cassie

she got some rad presents. 

but i think what she loved best of all was the helium balloon papa brought her. she sees them at raleys all the time and goes nuts for them. to have one in her own home was just too much. 
still thrilled the next morning.

what a joy this past year has been, and the quickest blink of an eye i've ever blinked! 
i am so lucky to have this happy-go-lucky little charmer in my life, and i couldn't be more excited to see her in action as a sister come wintertime. happy birthday, my sweet sweet girl.


Jessica said…
Happy Birthday Lucy!! I can't believe a year has already flown by-and what a lovely year it was!
Unknown said…
Your Lucy cake banner thing is too freakin cute. The party looks like it was absolutely wonderful. I couldn't agree more with you about the importance of the tribe. I am so glad to get to surround my children with so many people to love and be loved by. I'm so happy for the next little person on her way to your beautiful world.
aw beautiful birthday wishes, lucy!
and what a tribe she is surrounded by!
Tina Dawn said…
I was hoping you would do a post on her party. Looks like it was really a fun-for-all great time. Love your birthday banner with the rick-rack. Love T
Milla said…
Happy Birthday Little Lucinda! So much love for you, from the moment you were just a hope and a twinkle in Mama and Papa's eye, 'till they brought you home, you've been in so many people's hearts! And what a little babe you've grown into. It's been so lovely to watch you flourish even from afar. Happy Merry! I can't wait to see what you get up to next!
anne said…
happy birthday sweet little lucinda! what a special day :)

AND i keep forgeting to say, "you cut your hair!!!!" looks awesome heather!
AdieSpringB said…
I had WAY too much fun at the that little garden partay! It was so perfect! Totally Bleubird worthy :)

And sweet Luce- seriously the cutest and bubbliest and loveliest!

Remember to invite me to future baby friendly events!
Teeny said…
I love it! Did you make the "Lucy" placard for her chair? It's so creative and beautiful, nice colour and texture choice favourite kind of art is any sort of collage and layering and I give you A+++++++++++ The love for your girl is blinkin obvious looking at all of the smiling and sitting and picnicking in your photos. Bet you were tired at the end of the day, but an exhilarated kind of tired. xo
lasophia said…
Happy bday baby girl! Baby number 2 will be here in the spring? I can't believe how fast everything is going by! I want baby number 2 now, but I have to wait. I feel like I didn't enjoy my pregnancy to the fullest last time. Too much unknown. Now that I know the ropes, Im ready. Oh and that guy was from your town? How crazy is that? Note to self: stay out of bars in Old Sac on major holidays. I don't trust drunk people. Alcohol is one hell of a drug. Like sugar.
Tera said…
Happy Birthday Lucy!!!!!!!!! Beautiful party, the warmth and joy of the day comes through!!! Okay what was that? Pregnant? Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!
Tera said…
Oh, and love that punch bowl use!!!!!!!!!
wow where did the time go?, I havent been reading blogs fo ages but didnt realise it was nearly a year, happy birthday to a beautiful girl xxx
Crystal Lee said…
Aww, happy birthday to sweet little Lucy! The bday party looked like so much fun. What an amazing backyard you have. I really dig your lifestyle.
Lauren Knight said…
Oh, happy birthday, Lucy! What a fantastic party! Your yard looks amazing, and your friends and family- what a bunch. It sure looks like Lucy is loved by many.

And... what a great high chair!
Unknown said…
She is looking so cute!! Her birthday photographs are overwhelming. She is such a lucky baby to have a stunning party on her first birthday. At some domestic Venues in NYC I would also be celebrating my son’s first birthday and would like to steal some of your party ideas.

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