motherly love and sunshine

that last post was making me HOT just looking at it, 
had to get another up quick!
it is at least 70 degrees here every day now, so bare legs all the way baby.

19 weeks pregnant!
this was me last friday, when all my family began to arrive for grandma's party.
i wore this to meet up with my mom and matt and amy and kids at In-n-Out for a fun sunny lunch.
it was a gorgeous day and i felt cute.
i also had a meeting with my dietician.......yeah......right after In-n-Out fries.
it went great though and she actually commended me on my healthy blood sugar levels even after i have treats.

this is one of those dresses that kinda disguises the belly, even though that wasn't my intention.  a poofy skirted, slightly high waisted dress that i probably won't be able to wear much longer, because even the high part of my waist is growing ;)

i'm using my adorable new kitty bag from missa which is the perfect size for journal and a couple books.
the sweet little grey shrug was a gift from amber, and the bracelet is an antique from my mom that came down from her grandmother.

later that night, i went to a baby shower for amy's sister (that's sister of my sister-in-law, got it?) and my sweet friend, dolly. you may remember her from her gorgeous bohemian wedding in the spring. actually, she called this a "mother's blessing" and it was all about womanhood and togetherness and the incredible ability to grow new life.

(sorry for the blurry pic but she's just so cute!)

amy is self-admittedly crazy for babies. this one is their little niece holly, born right before christmas, and amy would not put her down all night! also she is wearing a vintage blouse i gifted her, which makes me proud :)

even little bella has that motherly glow.
truly, she has such a kind and nurturing soul, is nice to all the kids at school even the underdogs; she's a peacemaker and a giver. this is a family with a very strong mothering gene.

we took turns lighting candles and sharing names and stories of our own moms.

dolly's best friend diana applied pretty freehand henna tattoos.

we each brought a bead that reminded us of some aspect of motherhood. i brought turquoise, queen of the desert and emblematic of me, my own journey. i also brought a jade scarab beetle bead, which the ancient egyptians believed symbolized good luck and rebirth.
baby love keeps right on loving...

merry gave amy a painted henna heart on her arm. i got to witness these girls have a severe laugh attack too.
there are six sisters in this family (plus many sisters-in-law) and they get delightfully goofy when they get together. i was thinking about how lucky and glad i am that each of my three brothers has partnered up with the most wonderful women that i can truly connect with from the very depths of my heart. built in friends and family for life, such rich beauty!

dolly with her besties, mackenzie and diana.
just look at that radiant belly! 

two blossoming mamas.

So tomorrow i am going to try to post the first post of my series: Heather's Pregnancy Compendium, Part 1.
i decided to do a series of posts by topic, in ABC order, starting with these: age, anxiety, beer, boobs, cats, and coffee. just a few of the things i've grappled with or had thoughts about since i've been pregnant.
any ideas for topics, let me know in the comments!

my sunshiney outfit:
dress: F21 couple years ago on clearance
grey shrug: gift from amber
cat bag: gift from missa
moonstone triangle necklace: gift from mom
peacock feather earrings: christmas gift from dad
bracelet: antique family heirloom
silver flats: thrifted a couple years back


you are radiant! i am so enjoying watching your little belly grow.
anne said…
you look simply beautiful in that first outfit! a spring queen!

the mother's blessing looks like it was a fun time. i have a friend who calls them the same thing. amy looks adorable in the vintage blouse! and you two mama's-to-be do look radiant!

can't wait for heather's pregnancy compendium, part 1!
Teeny said…
Those are such sweet ideas and much more meaningful than the usual "baby shower" type stuff. I'm attending one soon, and it's all games and dressing the mother up as a baby and stuff. I think I prefer your friend's one.
Nicky said…
LOVE those first pictures of you in that springy dress. I too did bare legs in a skirt today and was as happy as can be (though all I did was sit on my bed and study) ;( Can't wait to hear your ABC order topics - hehe you are enjoying the heck out of this- exactly like you should- your joy is seriously contagious! xx lil mama!
Whitney said…
You look fantastic!
Heather said…
Great pictures you both looks so warm and glowing in motherly bliss!! I loved all my pregnancies such a special time...Now I have teenagers ...all I can say is enjoy every minute it goes by so fast!! ~Love Heather
Anonymous said…
Woah, woah, woah! You're just the picture of adorable, darlin'!

I can't wait to read your motherhood posts. As I said in another comment on a different post (I think), I'm really interested in pregnancy and babies. Makes me glad to be a lay-day!

I was going to say something else, but it just flitted out of my mind . . . hmm . . .

Violet Folklore said…
You're the Queen of the Pregnancy Shrug!

What a lovely little gathering; do you have an idea of how you want your own baby blessing shindig to go down?

You are indeed blessed when it comes to all the additions your immediate family has made over the years. And Amy's blouse is adorable! You're also lucky in that you all have similar taste in clothing :-)
Milla said…
Whoa! Your bun is huge! And by that I mean the one on your head-is there a sock in there ;)
This baby shindig looks awesome! How fun to have little ones so close together. And yes, looking forward to Heather's pregnancy post-series. Get on it girl, you have wisdoms to share.
polly compost said…
once upon a time, around midnight, i very happily/sleepily commented from my overly phancy phone..... and now that comment is lost in the void! so let me say: i love my necklace, so very much. ladies flock to it, subconsciously loving it but mentally thinking a child made it for me. once the eyes get a little closer though they can see that there is no random pattern in the string; they can sense purpose. and i love the last picture: we share something, but i can't quite describe it, especially since i look...tired. :) and please, keep the pregnancy blogs coming! there is so much to think and feel!
Missa said…
You look like a beautiful spring day personified in that first outfit! The big bun is so so cuuuutte. The kitty tote put a little smile on my face, it's always fun to see something you gift someone actually being put to use :)

What a special mama blessing, just perfect. I love the beads you chose, and the idea in general. Bella in her kitty print dress maternally cuddling the kitty! Love it.

One of these days we'll be reading about your own celebration of impending mamahood and oohing and ahhing over gorgeous pics of you with your belly in full bloom, so exciting!
Cel said…
I love how huge and full your hair bun is, seems appropriate with how your belly is getting fuller and fuller. You look SO lovely (lovelier every day it seems) in that dress. I'm happy to see someone frolicking bare-legged amidst green things, it's still snowing here. I have a baby shower to attend (I think I prefer mother's blessing too) in April and I really look forward to delving into a room full of feminine vibes and love like this.

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