to their high desert home

first off, i want to thank you all for your lovely and heartwarming response to my last post. this is really a special time for me and i feel so blessed and wrapped in love and support to be able to share it with such an emboldening and enlightening group of bloggy friends. thank you from the bottom of my belly :)  

next up, it has become something of a tradition to brave the cold and ice and make a winter pilgrimage out to visit our utah family: matt, amy, and kids. this time it was addie, pops and i who hit the road together.

getting started, i figured i'd offer a glimpse at my growing belly.  in the few days i was gone on this trip my little protuberance has grown :)

my traveling partners:
here's addie on our cozy bed downstairs in matt and amy's movie room. amy always sets us up with that amazing patchwork quilt i am so in love with, and that chunky colorful afghan. we sleep so well here.

and pops, in the downstairs hallway. this is how he decks himself out for sleeping! yes, he sleeps in the hat (which was a gift from mikie and amber) and yes, we have always made fun of him for tucking his sweat pants into his socks.

right away upon arrival after midnight, we had to marvel over matt's beard. this is the biggest beard he's ever worn and i think it looks mighty handsome. plus, it's so RED! maybe we beattys have got some irish blood in there somewhere.

our first day in utah was Pop's birthday! he is the most unassuming and sweet person and was very nonchalant and humble about his big day, but we made it a fun one anyway. we went out to lunch at a place called Kneaders Bakery, with delicious fresh homemade bread for sandwiches and a line out the door. wouldn't you know it, pops treated US?!

look at these treats! and i'm not supposed to touch any of them :( 
i tested borderline for gestational diabetes, so i have been monitoring my blood sugar levels with a prick to the fingertip after each meal. it has actually been kind of fun, even during our travels, and my levels have stayed normal so i am not too worried. in fact, i learned during this trip that i could have at least a couple bites of something sweet and still maintain a healthy blood sugar level, so i think my body is working just fine.

ready to go thrifting! bella rocks some sweet prairie girl style.

nice to have a mama who finds you purses like this at the thrift store:

we spend hours here....

and then to the movies, to see the Muppets...soooo cute. i was loving the Flight of the Conchords influence, especially in the following song, which i was pleased to find out was written by Bret McKenzie:

these kids are cuckoo for arcade games.

back at home we took some time to play with the new kitty, Link. he is a wild man with long legs, a black and pink nose, and loads of character. he sees a lot of action with those beatty kids, and he fits right in.

and he's got the triforce on his shoulder! thus, Link.

we learned new things about jarom; he has taken to songwriting:

and arm wrestling! he is a ferocious opponent, as pops discovered.

next up was the moment the kids had been waiting for! since they weren't with us for christmas in placerville, we brought their christmas to them.

they are really fun to give gifts to, because not only do they exclaim and make a big fuss at the moment of unwrapping, they also continue to use the item faithfully. for example, bella wore these mittens from joey and emily continuously for the remainder of the trip!

orion immediately wanted to make hot cocoa for his new spiderman mug.

as amy got pop's birthday cake ready, a coconut cream pie from Kneaders. i got a couple bites, couldn't resist this pure deliciousness.

late at night, i heard music and wandered upstairs to find amy practicing her ukulele. she's really good and plays and sings the prettiest little tunes.

matt was sifting through the thrifted finds of the day...his weakness is books.

while amy's is clothes. they are working really hard on their etsy shop and constantly updating their stock.

matt models a rad vintage sweater.

i am sure we stayed up late talking books, etsy adventures, travels and music. 
next morning we would be leaving on another mini road trip, all together down to Moab: desert sunsets to come!

note. many of these photos are addie's, taken from here.


Joanne said…
:D your posts radiate love and warmth! can't wait to see the desert photos.. xx
Crystal said…
Your family is so sweet. Pregnancy always brings such interesting insights and lessons into human physiology, please keep sharing what you're learning. I am so fascinated by pregnancy, and every woman's experience with it. When I was pregnant with my first, I read so many preggo books that by the time I moved onto my second babe I was reading midwifery and obstetric texts, but there is nothing like learning through other's experiences.

You're looking lovely, as usual.
Nichole said…
What a sweet trip! I justjustjust wrote about the desert. Thanks for sharing!
Missa said…
Oh my gosh Heather, your family is just the cutest! THE CUTEST! As are you with your wee bump. It's gonna be so fun to see your outfits as it grows! I love this one stylin' mama :)

Bring on the desert sunsets!
Cel said…
Oh you look so lovely with your belly growing. I just want to give you a great big hug. This whole post is just filling me with warm fuzzy feelings. So much love! Matt's beard is pretty wicked, and it looks awesome on him too. Your Pops actually kinda reminds me of my maternal grandfather! They have the same kind smile that glows up in the kind eyes. And the photo of him arm wrestling with Jarom, so cute! And Bella is adorable with that little skirt and purse.

My mother was diagnosed with gestational diabetes when she was pregnant with me too. It was a pretty serious case though, and she used to have to give herself needles daily. Thank goodness you don't have to do that, haha.

Can't wait to see photos from the desert :)
anne said…
this looks like a super fun trip! i love your dad's nighttime get up! and your growing belly. such a beautiful family :D
okay. i couldn't figure out why you looked extra super special cute in that outfit (besides that little belly <3) at first. but i figured it out! you look amazing in mini skirts! nice stems! love the tights with those shoes, too.
Elizabeth said…
Well I am just getting used to your sweet family events now: ) Its relaxing to just read this stuff Heather. I am also so excited for you and your growing belly. Such fun and miracles. Yep Fun and Miracles..... does it get much better then that, than being a mom.

Always a pleasure to drop by x E
Mrs. Habit said…
thank you for your super sweet comment, heather. made my day! and I am so loving these pictures of so many bright happy people, and your lovely family and CUTe, cute baby bump! You are in fact glowing, as they say!

Can't wait to follow your pregnancy journey as it unfolds.

much love,
What a fun and cozy trip! I can't wait till my partner lives in the same place as I do and we can set out on adventures. And I can't wait until distances become fun again. Till they evoke feelings of excitement and ideas for plans and travel together.
Lovely dress and bump you have there too!
I had so much fun reading The Forgotten Garden, how did you like it?
@summertime dreams: thank you! and YES, you put it perfectly about The Forgotten Garden...i had so much FUN reading that book. it is compelling and charming, a fairy tale. it made me sad, which is a good thing, the characters became alive to me.

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