images of a dreamworld


we just got back from our mountainous anniversary trip down the east side of the Sierra Nevada.
nothing replenishes the spirit like a wild dive into pure nature.

here are some of darin's dreamy images of our trip, using various strange and exotic lenses that intimidate me :)
i wish i could make these photographs larger to show each strange and wondrous nuance.
i'll be back tomorrow with my own photos and more stories, but for now...
imagery of the dreamworld

his self-portrait:

ghosts and their cabin:

so many things run through my mind. you know how it is when you arrive home from a trip, and all the experiences are clinging to your skin, and your hair is full of them, and you still smell like woodsmoke and there are stars in your eyes. i am grateful for a wonderful marriage and our first four years together, and for our opportunities to roam the world together and for living in the golden state.


Mrs. Habit said…
This trip itself sounds like a dream. All of these pictures are SO incredible. But most inspiring is your love for your guy. Seems like you two have a solid, pure adoration for each other that only grows stronger with time. Makes life's adventures all the richer, right? Happy anniversary!
Teeny said…
I'm sure nothing could keep you from climbing up on logs and boulders, truly one with the forest. Glorious photos and I'm sure a glorious anniversary.
AlphaBetsy said…
Beautiful photos!! I find the relationship you two share to be very inspiring myself. :) Happy Anniversary!!
Kelsie Lynn said…
Just so magical and dreamy. I love this lens. I've tried using the same (or similar) type of lens and I go crazy with it! It's weird and strange and hard to use in my opinion haha but these are wonderful.

Sending warm well wishes your way lady
Amy Beatty said…
i can't believe you went to the "east side" :) and I'm shocked to see how enchanting it is!! What amazing photos!! I can't even say what ones I like best - they are all so breathtaking!!! I can't wait to hear every little lovely detail. I'm dying for you!! Hope you are around next weekend because that is our time with the beatty fam then its camping with the smiths Mon-Wed and matt flys home right after. But I'm staying to take jarom to the midnight showing of HP Thursday night with grant and glow and lots of other family. Hoping to see you as much as poss
Astral Boutique said…
These images are incredible! I have been craving a trip to the Eastern Sierras for a looong time now.... I am going to share this post with Chris and maybe I can finally convince him! Thanks for sharing a slice of love and wildness with all of us.... xoxox
Milla said…
Lovers with the stars in their eyes, husbands and wives cinematographers of worlds, real and dream..You two are beautifully matched and watching you roam is such a joy. Thank you for sharing, much love to you two and the whole family of sisters and brothers and cats!
Cel said…
Oh my goodness! The photo of the lake with snow in the background... amazing! And those trippy rock formations... It really is a dream world.
Andrea said…
these photos are sublime! I especially adore the last one and the series of self portraits :) Happy Anniversary you two cute little love birds.
readplayrun said…
oooooh! i just love your blog. it makes me so happy! i'm so glad i found you on goodreads. xo.

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