i am a wedding photographer?

it's official!
yes, most importantly, that our good bud martin torrez is now husband to his cherished girl nadja after all these years,
but also, that darin and i are wedding photographers!

hard at work.
we spent the day saturday photographing every tiny aspect of martin and nadja's wedding.
this being our first gig, i was kind of nervous about getting nice photos of every detail. they were so sweet and acted like it's not a big deal but i happen to know how much you will want the perfect photo of this or that later. i am kind of disappointed that among all the photos taken at our wedding there is really only one that i truly love of darin and i (which i've shown here before).

from nadja getting ready with her bridesmaids, in her adorable pin-up girl turban.

to the groomsmen awaiting their ladies.


to the party favors.

getting the light right.
i wanted to show you this cute little vintage stripey cotton dress that my mama hemmed for me (it was a weird length) but i couldn't take that sweater off all day with the damn arctic cold front that came swooshing in!
still at least it hadn't rained yet and they held the ceremony outdoors. by late afternoon a little sun was out casting a radiant glow on our pics.

em was my assistant for the early part of the day, coming with me to the house where the girls were getting ready and letting me use her as a stand in for focus and lighting, such a sport!

darin working it across the room.

photographing weddings is probably not something we'll continue to pursue very much. it's really stressful; i'll leave it to the professionals. this one was super fun though because all our friends were there anyway. joey pretty much grew up with all these boys, they are all like brothers. no wonder matt trudeau (above with my dear girl kaitlyn) inadvertently matched the groomsmen in his gray suit and pink embellishments!


beautiful bride; she even called herself "barbie bride." there was no getting around how damn gorgeous she looked, and she was feeling it!

goofing around with martin's brother aaron.

oh and guess who took that engagement photo too?
you got it!
darin and heather, wedding photographers extraordinaire.
jk. it's a one time deal and anyway let's wait till they at least see their pictures before i get too proud of us, but i will say this. it was quite the experience. fun, nerve-wracking, and rewarding all at once.

next up: marmy's wedding on wednesday!


Nikki Mortham said…
How cool! I'm shooting a wedding this summer but there are 2 professionals getting paid, I'm just doing it for practice and to build up a portfolio. Hopefully that will cut out the stress and make it more enjoyable!
Nikki Mortham said…
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Nikki Mortham said…
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Nikki Mortham said…
Sorry :( That was an awful time for my computer to glitch!
Milla said…
You always make me smile, girl! The title, of course, is being sung in my head by your lovely little voice, as per the CD in my heavy rotation right now.

So 'tis the season of weddings for the Beattys it seems. What a lovely celebration and how sweet of you guys to capture it all. Hope you got a really good shots just like you wanted. That picture of you and Darin is certainly worthy of a number of not so good ones. It gloves.

Oh and is that a little turtle shirt that your hub is sporting? That too makes me smile. You guys are such a lovely pair it must mean good luck to all whose weddings you grace with your presence.
Cel said…
Ah, weddings! Glad it didn't rain on them. My friend had a lovely outdoor wedding. I think you did a great job with the photos. I hope we'll get to see pics from your momma's wedding too, she has such a radiant smile, I bet she'll just light up on her special day.
red moon arrow said…
I had no idea you knew Nadja! My dad is married to her mom. I wasn't able to come but it's nice to see some of the pics from the wedding. Great job Heather! Sounds like the day was beautiful.
Geny said…
How cool, you guys did great it seems, the pictures you shared a terrific! And congrats to your mama, how wonderful for her!
theequinebovine said…
what great photo! And the bride, yowza!! She is gorgeous. I am so in love with the little succulents for party favors. Great idea!
Weddings are way stressful! Joe and I tried to avoid that stress by eloping to Vegas, and going back to Tahoe in a 2 day time span. When did running away become so stressful! hehe
Missa said…
Aw, lovely wedding! That's so cool that you guys were the official photographers. I love taking wedding photos, but I would totally stress out if I was THE PHOTOGRAPHER. I prefer to be the supplemental photographer, haha.

I was actually at a "hen hangout" with my bride-soon-to-be friend on that day. Glad the weather held out. I think that sort of stormy-ish lighting makes for really nice photos. I much prefer it to full on sun and the lighting looks great in that shot of you in the uber-cute dress, radiant glow indeed!
Amy Beatty said…
What?? I thought Matt was on photos and you on the dress for nanas wedding :) just playin. It's what nana told me, and she also told me she wants to keep the dress. Love how had some Phil, Martin, Joey, and Stan all looked. I can't believe how everyone is growing up. I love how they are all such great friends still. I love darins shirt and your dress. Way cute. I imagine you guys got some great shots between the two of you. I got into town tonight so I'll call you tomorrow. Love you xo
Kaylie said…
Great work! What a lovely wedding. :)
Kaylie said…
Great work! What a lovely wedding. :)
Teeny said…
Dude, I'm making comment number 14 here! Lucky number 14. Ahhhh, I LOVE weddings, I want everyone I know to get married so I can come and cry, and help someone with their hair, and eat their food, and dance late into the night. You did a fab job I'm sure. That dress looks so very sweet on you.
Tina Dawn said…
Great shots, and I am looking forward to seeing those from Marmy's special day too. Love T
Anonymous said…
Aww, you and Darin are such a lovely pair. Your friends were lucky to have you there, for the atmosphere and the photos!

P.S. Your outfit was adorable!
Nicky said…
You look ADORABLE!!! How fun to shoot a wedding (I shadowed a photographer once for a friends wedding!) It was fun.... but yeah, I was so worried too about all the shots coming out great! Being a blogger has offered much practice on taking a bazillion shots, huh? :D Happy Wednesday!!!

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