missing abby

our sweet old lady cat abby died last night.
she was 17 years old, my sister got her when she was a tiny kitten and she spent her whole life with our family.
my brother joey hardly remembers a time before she was around.
once, when she was still a young and adventurous lady, she disappeared for four whole months.
my brothers matt and joey were in a band and they named it "missing abby."
she showed back up one emotional afternoon when addie was weeping in the backyard,
came bounding straight into addie's arms like a miracle.

we think she had a stroke the night before last and she deteriorated over the day yesterday, pacing in confusion and unable to do her normal activities like eat or jump up on the couch.
late at night, darin and i held vigil by her side, stroking her and thanking her for being such a wonderful cat and companion all these years. she couldn't purr anymore, or even move her head, but i think she was content to die in the midst of the household she loved, and at 1:30 a.m. she crossed over.

it is a strange and moving experience to watch life pass away, to see breathing, so constant and unheeded, slowly come to a stop.
i am so grateful to be able to have a little time to spend with those i love, both human and non.
i think her little spirit is doing some pretty work in the universe tonight.


Sailor Purrs said…
Awww. Bye, Abby. Another star in the sky. My childhood tabby, Trix, went missing for four days once. I thought THAT was terrible. I don't think I could have handled four months...
Milla said…
Oh Sweetness! I'm so very sorry, but happy that she got to go peacefully and loved and you could say goodbye and goodnight. Her life with you and your wonderful family was surely the best life a cat could have. All our love to you and Darin and Addie and Joey and all the family of cats and humans who miss Abby.
Big hug.
Milla said…
Oh Sweetness! I'm so very sorry, but happy that she got to go peacefully and loved and you could say goodbye and goodnight. Her life with you and your wonderful family was surely the best life a cat could have. All our love to you and Darin and Addie and Joey and all the family of cats and humans who miss Abby.
Big hug.
Milla said…
Oh Sweetness! I'm so very sorry, but happy that she got to go peacefully and loved and you could say goodbye and goodnight. Her life with you and your wonderful family was surely the best life a cat could have. All our love to you and Darin and Addie and Joey and all the family of cats and humans who miss Abby.
Big hug.
Milla said…
Okay and my computer tripled my sorry and my love. ♡
theequinebovine said…
oh abby baby. its hard to let a kitty go.
My kitty baby of 17 years passed away on my lap when I was 18. what a intense day that was. actually, I remember aging myself that day.
I'm off to bless and snuggle my other old lady now.
oh i'm so sorry! we had cat like that when i was kid. my mom had it before she met my dad or had us, and it traveled across country and through canada with her in the late 70's. the kitty died when she was 21 years old, and it was hard to let her go. i'm glad you were able to sit with her as she went. being there when someone dies is as special as being there to watch a baby be born, i think. it's the same sort of labor and transformation. love ya.
Amy Beatty said…
I'm going to miss those teeny tiny little paws of hers. I always loved her. She was so easy to love. And when she came back home with that little chrip :) it was a little overwhelming it join your family but Abby, stormy and sassy were always there to make me feel welcomed. Can't believe they are all gone. I love how you and Darin stayed with through the night and thanked her, makes me feel some real peace about it all. She was loved xoxo
ashley said…
Oh Heather! So so sorry to hear about Abby. I didn't realize she was 17- She didn't act like an old lady cat to me!

I'm so happy to hear that she was in a good place with loved ones when she passed. It always makes me so bummed when animals go off on their own into the forest to die, although I can understand it. I think she must have needed your love and support for the transition.

Thanks for being such a compassionate person and friend. You always remind me of the incredible folks that are in this world.

i am truly sorry for your loss. my kitty-baby-familiar passed away this past june at the age 16 1/2, and i still start to cry at the thought of him. when you have had them for so long [at our ages], they have seen us through so many life changes, always warm and soft stalwart companions. at least we were blessed to have had them as long as we did :)
take care, beatty fam!
lightwood said…
Such a beautiful post! I'm sure she would have felt so at peace being able to drift away with you guys next to her.. The only thing that gets me thru the loss of my beloved furry ones is knowing that their lives have to be so short because there's so many of their brothers and sisters out there without a home, without love and without a home with love.. So in my own little way I make peace with their passing by knowing it's so that I get the chance to share my love to many more xxx
Teeny said…
Our little animal friends are really like our little children or loyal loving friends I like to think. I know you must be missing her.....All the warmth i can muster i will send to you; and it is a lovely thought to imagine her putting prettiness into the universe.
Antonella said…
so sorry for your loss, furry friends are the best!
Crystal said…
I'm so sorry for your loss. Animal friends are such a comforting light in a confusing world. May your heart heal steadily :)
Missa said…
Aw, so much sweetness in that face... big hug to you my dear, I'm so sorry :(

The story of Abby returning after 4 months, and just when needed, is amazing, what a magical little spirit.
Nicky said…
Lots of love and hugs to you through these electrical lines!!! Sorry she's gone! What a sweet kitty life she lived amongst your wonderful family though! I love the band name, what a crack up! And the way she came parading back in! Rest in Peace, sweet Abby!
Julie V. said…
I'm so sorry for your loss. What a sweet transition though- it was lovely that she had your companionship for those last precious moments. What a special way to go. RIP, Abby!
AdieSpringB said…
oh bun. Of course the tears are streaming down right now. My dear sweet little girl. My first kitty ever. She was all our our companion and kindie, burying her head deep into the crease at our elbows, purring away in our laps. Oh universe, I suppose I couldn't bear to live if I did indeed believe it all just stopped, just went away for good, never to return or to come back to our hearts. It keeps me sane, in all this sweetness and sad wonderful beauty, to believe that somehow this whole damn thing goes on forever, and nothing, nothing at all, is ever lost in the mess.
AdieSpringB said…
Nicole, I love what you said. About their sweet soft steady companionship through all the life changes, it is so true.
AlphaBetsy said…
So sorry for the loss of your beautiful cat friend. How lovely that you could love her into the next life. Blessings to you. And sweet passings to the next life for Abby.
Violet Folklore said…
Oh darlin'. Been thinking about you and Abby and the whole family these past couple days. I'm so glad you were all able to be there for each other during the transition, and that she was able to die peacefully at home with loving hearts surrounding her.
I remember her very well from our night there, I loved watching her just chillin', so relaxed and content with herself.
The story of her coming back and jumping into Adie's arms when she needed some extra loving is so soooo sweet! What a dear soul. Much love sister.
red moon arrow said…
just wanted to send some love your way. Losing an animal friend is never ever easy. I lost one of my hens last spring and it was the saddest thing ever. It was a big teaching though, the impermanence of things. Nothing ever really dies, it just changes form. wishing you and your family happy thoughts through this transformation. Seems like your kitty passed with the winter season and now her spirit will help the flowers bloom for spring.
lots of love from round valley~
I'm so sorry. Losing an animal is so tough. As an animal lover I have gone through those pains.

She had a great run, 17 yrs is wonderful. But a loss is a loss to those left behind.

I'm sure she's doing magical things too.
Cel said…
I'm so sorry! I have a tomcat and I love him with all my heart, I can't imagine the pain you must feel at your loss. *hug* They may be a little late now, but I'm sending you warm, comforting thoughts.

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