A Mystical Wintry Wedding

Our sweet friends Bridget Loera and Daniel Ramirez got married this weekend on a magical November afternoon.

It was an outdoor wedding at their home and about a week ago we found out that a huge storm was headed our way.
Everyone bundled up, the rain stopped, the sky was dreamy with bits of radiant sun coming through softest gray clouds, and as Bridget walked through their homemade archway to meet her love on the green hillside,
a delicate mist filled the air like she was walking through a fairy cloud.
It was seriously magical. we all cried.

The groom's sister Monique (a most radiant soul) did so much of the planning and beautifying.
Here she is smudging the crowd and walkway with sage. (she made her own vibrant dress!)

the wedding party, Ian, Daniel, Anthony (he married them), Bridget and her sister Toni.

I wish I would have taken a close-up of the detail of her gorgeous dress.
Our friend Becky made it for her! She and her sister ran Velvet Leaf and now Becky is branching into the most amazing handsewn custom made wedding dresses.

Here they are, the bride and her incredible dressmaker.

the back is truly spectacular, open with asymmetrical crisscross rows of handmade fabric flowers.

the boys staying warm with some nips of whiskey!
 it felt like we were in a hobbit shire.
there is no describing the spiritual harmony that was flowing between these two and radiating out to all of us present. my favorite thing about weddings is how they remind you of community and love, and how you feel like you are all growing together, like the families of oak trees all around us.

under the magical fig tree! it is so massive it creates a canopy of greenery in a huge tent all around it.

secret passageway into the fig tree (and that dress!)

darin and i got all cozy.
he's been stepping it up a notch fashion-wise, lately he's super into vests and his blazer jackets, both velvet and pendleton.
i wore a vintage thermal, sweater, jumper, thick wooly tights, boots, and this crazy warm mauve corduroy 80s jacket i thrifted up in humboldt county for like $2.50.

the bride and her brand new sis.

the reception was held (impromptu) at our beloved cozmic cafe.
it was a potluck, with tables upon tables heaped with homemade goodies (like joey's homemade cornbread and honey butter), pure bounty!

this spritely little lady friend, chelsea, is multi-talented. she offered to make their cake.
it was her first wedding cake (or fancy cake) ever! check out how pretty and perfect it is...
and to TASTE it was even better! whole wheat honey carrot cake, mmmmmmm.

all our friends bravd the storm and came out.
jorden and becky....
who are practicing becoming parents!

you've all seen adorable rachel, the spunkiest girl on earth.
but have you seen her new etsy shop, silkworm vintage, full of goodies?

cinema caldera, represent!

sleepy quincy:

jordan l and the cake-maker...

the first dance was to "flume" by bon iver.
such a beautiful moment.

and then the dancing madness began!

slowly i shed all my layers until i was left in just my jumper.
stan took this pic, looks like the room's on fire, which is practically was...

best of all, RYANN showed up for a visit home from school.
i was coming out of the bathroom, saw her standing there with emily waiting for me and i was so surprised i shrieked with joy!
had to get a pose in with darin and his professory pipe.

i made emily do an outfit shot. i am totally in love with this little denim vintage wrangler's blazer she found.
underneath is a sears jr. bazaar (my fave!) yellow cardigan that she found in the little boys' section. she has her "blunders" peeking out from under her dress. they are a cross between bloomers and underwear that my sister makes. last year she gave them to all the girls for christmas and they're our favorite accessory! plus they keep your booty extra warm, even over your tights.
even right when we were all finally about to leave, saying our good-byes in the bar area, the dancing would not stop!
and i got to take home one of the gorgeous bright fallish centerpieces.
the day was complete.

what a wedding!
what a day!
i love celebrations like this because they show yet again the true love and exhileration that comes from not buying into the capitalistic expectations of wedding days and other events.
bridget and daniel made it their own, they followed their hearts and did things completely their own way.
they invited their families and community, and everyone came together to help and share the love.
and all went home aglow.

after the blusteryness of that day i have ended up fighting off a yucky cold/flu, saying home yesterday and todaywrapped in my robe and making myself soup and lemon echinacea tea.
the kids are staying at my house (jarom, bella, orion my nephews and niece) while their parents visit new zealand (matt won a ticket on his twitter?!) so there is a whirling energy around here and we are preparing a mega feast for thursday as i try to get myself better.

happy holidays to you all!


Kaylie said…
What a lovely and magical wedding! The bride's dress is fantastic.
Cel said…
I'm so happy the weather held out for them and their special day :) It looks like everybody had a fantastic time!
Milla said…
I adore outdoor weddings, what a beautiful scene. The flowered wedding cake brings happy memories to mind. The groom's handsome and the bride beautiful. And that dress. Of course YOU would know the ladies from Velvet Leaf. I've only been a fan since their first collection, I can still remember some of the pieces and lusting over them online. So glad you pointed the way to their shop. Hope you feel better, I've had the cold too and it's not a picnic.
Missa said…
Yes! These are the best kinds of weddings, minimum stress, maximum fun, surrounded by people you love and everyone coming together to make it happen free of all the crazy fanfare that people buy into with weddings... just beautiful.

A stunning handmade dress doesn't hurt either ;) Hope you're feeling better soon!
Nicky said…
Looks like a fun time and that cake is gorgeous!!! Happy Thanksgiving :D

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