alive out here in the grand ole world

this was our first morning on the road, as the sun came up in the nevada desert.

eleven days later we watched another sun come up and filmed a scene of Epic Dust in the great white sands desert of southern new mexico.

i have been online a total of twice, extremely briefly.  so many adventures have happened i can hardly even begin to think about them. i'll be home soon and catching up with at least a few of my road stories. i will admit it's gonna be nice and cozy to get back to my blogging routine, both reading and writing. it helps me process life and days.

here i am in flagstaff arizona in a motel room with air conditioning and televised news of miners' rescues. weird to suddenly remove myself from the immediacy and particularity of van life and back into the larger living world. a road trip is such a strange and wondrous experience. i can't wait to show you guys my pictures and scrap book pages. much peace and love to you out there in the big ole world!


looking forward to the photos and the recounting of your adventures!
Cel said…
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Cel said…
Welcome back! Glad you had a great trip and I can't wait to hear about it :D
Teeny said…
Hey sweets, great to see your prettiness and lovely peeps again! Such a nice surprise to see your comment on my blog. Enjoy the air conditioning while you have it, and many happy vibes your way!
Mel said…
Great pics...I'm really excited waiting for your other pictures and your scrap book :)

xo, Mel
Courtney said…
I love that first photo of your crew and van! The light is gorgeous and you are all aglow. Glad to hear you're having a wonderful time. Can't wait to read more of your road adventures!
Missa said…
Ooh, white sands looks like it was an awesome location from the photo! Can't wait to hear some travel stories!
Violet Folklore said…
So excited about Epic Dust, and can't wait to see more from your trip!

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