Tuesdays in My Town - Shoestrings

I want to start a new little feature called "Tuesdays in my Town."
Because there are a lot of little tiny hidden weird treasures in my part of these here California hills....and I know there are lots of secret amazing spots where you guys live, so send me information about and photos of a specific place you love if you'd like it to be featured!

I'm starting out with this old roadside hotdog stand that has been in Placerville since the 1950s.
Shoestrings is famous for chilidogs and burgers.
But I am serious: their veggie burgers and fries rock. For reals.
Darin and I love them, and we love the sunny seating and the unpretentious all-American down home vibe.

I love that is next door to a weird little motel, and that biker dudes stop here, and all different sorts of folks, and that their veggie burger has a good texture and flavor and they put chopped onions on it and swiss cheese and it takes a while to cook the food and they have good lemonade slushees.

Most of all I love how sweet the ladies working were to us, and curious about why I was taking so many photos!
yes please.

 I really like that they only have outdoor seating so it is really like a cheery little old-timey roadside stand.
And as far as I can remember, which is about twenty years back (?!) it has always been bright yellow and red.

I was pleased to be wearing a yellow dress against the yellow wall.

Shoestrings, you're our kind of place.

Remember, if there's a random interesting place in your town that you'd like to share,



This is such a great idea!! That place looks like a place I'd visit often...maybe too often. Also, it's only 9:30 a.m. but I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't eat those fries if they were put in front of me. They look delicious!
Anonymous said…
Oh wow this is too neat! There is a place in KY that is too cool. It's called Cave City and has so many amusing things. It's a run down touristy place outside of Mammoth Cave NP. Here is just some of the weird stuff that can be found there: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jackiejeffries/sets/72157623906621384/

Oh and your skirt inspired me to make this: http://www.etsy.com/treasury/4c0e5375ef676d91d45ef746/beeutiful Hope you like it!
Fantastic idea! I love the charm of old buildings. And all the history and character that comes with. Your photos are fun, and I look forward to next Tuesday.
Courtney said…
Such a wonderful idea! I can't wait to check it out every Tuesday. Shoestrings looks just like my kind of place too - I am sold on any place with a tasty veggie burger!
Missa said…
Why is it that these little burger joints make the best veggie burgers?! It's cause they cook 'em on all the grease leftover from the real burgers, isn't it? Now I'm totally craving one!

Ooh, this new feature is the perfect excuse for me to go out to Screamin' Mimi's and take some pics and eat some Mimi's Mudd!
Kelsie Lynn said…
I miss cheap food and american burgers! even mcdonalds here is way more expensive. lame-o.
Amy Beatty said…
I can't keep up with you. I have never been there. I don't think I can come to town without trying it now. I do love the look of it though, always have. Can't wait to see what next Tuesday holds!
Teeny said…
What a great idea! And what a cute dress you have on!
Andrea said…
as evidenced by my blog title, i LOVE any & all diner related- 50s feeling burger joints. Although I'm a vegetarian, so its usually just a milkshake & fries for me. I'm in heaven over the veggie offerings there, i so want a bite!
Unknown said…
You look cute as can be. And California seems so wonderful, where else would a dinky little roadside dive have awesome vegetarian options? Next time I get a chance to take some pics of some places, I'll definitely submit something for this feature from my crazy town!
Cel said…
That looks like someplace I'd like to eat. It would so never happen in Canada though, at least, not unless it was summer-seasonal. Winter would put a damper on outdoor-only seating haha... And I love that yellow dress, btw. :)

I think this is a good idea! I'm always curious about the little things and places in other people's lives and worlds. Maybe that makes me a weirdo creeper but hey XD Sometimes it's nice to see the small stuff that you would otherwise miss.
Violet Folklore said…
That dress is perfect! Then again, everything looks amazing on you.

I heart Placerville.
Milla said…
I want to come to your town on a Tuesday, what a super idea. I've been planning a series of "Travel WA"-off-the-beaten-path travel posts and you're inspiring me.

I adore the little yellow dress, you're too cute, really.

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