this is love - to fly toward a secret sky

three years ago we got married under the full strawberry moon, the moon-of-making-fat, the last night of june.

we two who had loved each other for years had decided to create our own version of what it means to us to be wed, and we started out encircled by loved ones in our backyard.
and it was pure bliss.

and then we left on our road trip honeymoon down into baja.
our honeymoonshinejunkyard.
and the next year we were on a road trip through tiny historic gold mining towns like downieville, california where a great massive bear shook the dumpster outside our tiny inn at midnight:
and then last year we were in big sur in a tent cabin on the creek that runs to the ocean:

this year we have new destinations in mind.
i can't wait to show you all where we go.
he is soooo fun to travel with and hang out with that i can't sleep tonight, like a kid on christmas eve, i'm all aglow with excitement and anticipation!

wishing you all sweet, sweet love.


boots said…
OH MY! i am so happy for you guys! celebrate away! me and brendons anniversary is Friday, before we get a new one! i hope you have the best day, and filled with love!!! <3
Andrea said…
awww! you two are the cutest & your wedding day looks like it was pure magic :) I'm excited now too, can't wait to see your travels.
Cel said…
That's so fantastic. Your wedding looks like it was amazing and you were SO beautiful in that dress with all those flowers, and you have the most gorgeous happy glowing love smile.

Happy anniversary, and may the sun shine on your day :)
congratulations to the both of you! you two look so happy together! such beautiful, genuine smile.
Marika said…
Awwww! This brightened my morning! Happy anniversary!
Hoodoo Voodoo said…
So cute Heb!! I hope you guys have the best anniversary yet! Take tons of pics (I know you will). Love you both and I miss you already!
Courtney said…
What a lovely couple you two are! Your trips sound amazing, I can't wait to see where this year takes you. Best wishes for safe and happy travels!
Missa said…
Aw, this is so sweet! Happy happy anniversary to you both! That's so cool that you travel somewhere every year. Would you believe that Lucas and I BOTH forgot our anniversary last year and didn't even realize it until weeks later, I know, pretty bad, but at least it wasn't only one of us forgetting, that would have been worse. Anyway, our 7th is next month so I'll have to make sure it doesn't happen again!
Milla said…
Oh you guys are too sweet! Happy Anniversary! Come to an Island up North, please?
Your excitement is contagious! I wish you a wonderful journey together! Can't wait to see & read more about it.
Perhaps I too will one day be wed encircled by my friends and family, what a lovely idea.
Teeny said…
Have a lovely time always you've let us peek at your happy world with your posting.
mina said…
aw, so cute. happy anniversary!
Violet Folklore said…
Soooo sweet! I want to meet him someday!
Runic Rhyme said…
Ooooh goody, I think I've stumbled upon something good here ;]
anne said…
what sweet words!
happy anniversary!
i was just talking with my friend last night, about how i think anniversaries should be celebrated with much zeal! marriage isn't always easy and loving eachother and staying together another year should not be trivialized! so go have fun together! i'm sure you will ;D
Unknown said…
Congrats you beautiful love birds <3

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