the girl who married a bear and then sent magical treasures across many lands...

imagine my joy when i came home from errands yesterday to find a white box leaning against my front door,
took it into my kitchen with a yelp of uncontainable excitement,
and found piles of treasures spilling out like rubies and pearls!

the brilliant and enchanting milla of the girl who married a bear had sent me the most loving and loveable care package!
from the northern isles of the rugged washington coastline to the golden california hills, through mountains and meadows and along that wild and wooly sea...
and i am the lucky and joyful recipient.

i could not resist throwing on all my new goods at once!

there was a purple and white dreamy color scheme to the contents, conjuring magic spells and foggy coastal twilights...twigs and violas and elfin palaces in the woods. leaves and moss and little wooden rowboats, fields of fragrant lavendar and girls in white cotton frocks joining hands in circles, daisies and rosettes twined in their locks.

oh this dress! this magical magical dress.
it is a Laura Ashley vintage prairie girl dress, my heart pitter patters and i am all aflutter.

so now i have to quickly insert these two photos of me at 17 years old in my last thrifted Laura Ashley dress - and oh how i loved fact, enough to set off for a backpacking trip in it, apparently!

back to the present, oh milla this dress is so seriously pretty:
all lilac roses and puffed sleeves - oooo!

milla also sent me my new go-to nightie dress.
girls, on hots days i mostly roam around exactly like this, in a bathing suit and a soft flowy shift.
well this is the prettiest most delicate little slip-nighty-dress i've ever seen and i can already tell i'll be living in it this summer. 
antique embroidery and buttercup ribbons, pleats and tucks and cotton and lace.
everything lovely that makes me sigh and go all silly inside.

here's my colorful new kitchen decor - charlie's famous poster!

and of course, never forget....

thank you milla for the sweetest goodies. it has been utterly delightful to me.

my favorite thing about blogging is getting to know all you amazing, creative, wise and inspiring people.
and i just can't wait to meet you in person.


Teeny said…
mmmm mmmm mmmm it all looks so purdy and carefully chosen. What a sweet gift from a sweet gal TO a sweet gal.
Kelsie Lynn said…
that purple dress truly is remarkable!
it's great recieving things in the mail from blog friends ;) love love love letters/packages.
Courtney said…
What a perfect package! You look positively adorable in that dress - its such a pretty color and style. Enjoy your new goodies!
Cel said…
That's so wonderful! That dress really is so pretty. Milla's blog is actually the first one I started reading and led me on my crazy blog-world explorations. She really is so terribly wonderful.

That nightie looks absolutely and wonderfully comfy... I may have to try this!
Andrea said…
oh how wonderful & exciting! that lilac dress fits you so well, you look beautiful!
Missa said…
Milla is an amazing care package putter togetherer, is she not?! This one was so obviously assembled with much care and love too :)

The Laura Ashley dress is perfection on you!

Also, I know I've said it before, but I just love the way you describe things, I could almost see that package sprouting wings and flying across magical lands to make its way to your door :D
anne said…
man these Milla packages are always THE BEST! everything looks amazing! hahaha i love "reading is sexy", that's so rad! enjoy your goods lovely lady :D
How exciting to receive such a package! That purple dress suits you perfectly!
Milla said…
Yeay! This makes my otherwise crappy day so much brighter. You look utterly beautiful as always and dressing you is so fun! I hope to make that in person meeting a reality in the not-too-distant-future.

Big hug!
Violet Folklore said…
Having been the recipient of a package from Milla myself, I am in total agreement with your sentiment that they are full of magic and wonder and beauty and sweet goodness in abundance. How does she do it???

Oh the Laura Ashley dress! And you look so beautiful in it!!

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