Celebration Day!


for joey's birthday/memorial day we decided to put up a brand new volleyball net that darin's mom got us at a yard sale.
emily simply said to the boys, "make yourselves useful and figure out how to put up this net..." and they did. (after lots of deliberation and jimmyrigging)

now let the volleyfun begin!
(emily was nicknamed volleybabe in sixth grade, a fact which brought endless mirth that night)
not being much of the sporty sort (could ya tell?) i got reeeeaaaallllly into taking action shots.
even pops got in on the action!
every time new people arrived we dragged them into the game.
like eric and ashley:
nadya and martin:

stan and les, who were total firecrackers!

rebecca (she's got moves):
even sylvan:
and darin, who got home early from work for once (!) rushed into the game, and promptly got hurt:

it was sort of the perfect party.
1. sports
2. bbq
3. cake
4. pinata!
5. presents
6. cats
7. beer

oh, and i had really big hair that day for whatever reason, and which i am oddly proud of.
marmy made the best raspberry vanilla cake:
emily danced in the soft porch light:
i got four words for you: CORN ON THE COB.

addie also got off early and arrived sporting her cute new haircut:
and gifts for the birthday boy:

bustin out the pinata:
hanging out all cozy in the sunset...

best of all was just being around so many friends and loved ones all day long.

i think it's going to be a GREAT SUMMER.


Kaylie said…
What a fun way to spend Memorial Day! I spent mine at the airport. No fun! This year we have been getting a lot more rain this usual, but not yet this summer. The monsoons should be just around the corner though! I love this time of year in Arizona. That probably makes me a lunatic...
Missa said…
I heart your big hair and your action shots! This looks like such a fun day!
Courtney said…
Aw, that looks like lots of fun! I really, really kind of love volleyball but I'm definitely lacking in the skills department. Your big hair looks so cute!
Andrea said…
nice action shots! that raspberry vanilla cake is making my mouth water, it would go so well with the coffee I'm drinking at this moment.

ps: did you get a new camera? really, the photos have great quality to them. if not, do you mind me asking what camera you have? a girl can dream....
anne said…
looks like fun! whoever that is in the cut off shorts and boots rules :D
thanks all! anne, that's my sister's husband art (the rockstar) and i'm going to tell him you said so cause he loves when people notice his greatness!
love it, looks like you guys had a lot of fun! and that cake!?? mm!
Unknown said…
heck yeah, volleyball!!!
Amy Beatty said…
That looked like the perfect party. I want to be there right now, gorge on that cake and whack that ball. And I'm going to steal Emilys dress.
Milla said…
Uuum...I thought that pinata was on fire for a moment ;D
I think your summer is going to be great! I'm a little jealous actually. But can't wait to read all about it.
Nicky said…
sounds like a perfect day!!!! I love your dress- so cute, and the action volleyball shots are RAD

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