Bohemian RhapsoDAY garage sale

As far as garage sales go, mine (i must admit) was sort of a grand fiesta of junkyard treasures!
If I may say so myself.
Me, Momma and Addie pose amongst my kooky clothes.

Although none of our visitors seemed so overly excited as I may have anticipated, I still maintain that if it were ME walking up to this garage sale, I'd freak out and start grabbing stuff left and right!

I mean, the books, the books alone!
A table full of weird and wonderful books!
What could be better?!

See what I mean, Darin found a good one!
Zack and Sylvan were quick to dive into the old Jurassic Park play set.
Making old toys come alive again! (yes, i'm a sap, it sort of makes me nostalgic...)

Most of all it turned into sort of a family reunion hang out. Both our families were around for the day and we got a lot accomplished around the house.
We may not have made a whole lot of money, but we sure cleaned out some superfluous stuff and made some lonely junk gatherers happy! At the end of the day I was more exhausted than if I'd worked. as it is, remind me not to do this again for a WHILE.


Amy Beatty said…
You read my mind!!! I always knew you could. I was just posting on your fb that I would love to see this blogged and here she is!! You look so freaking cute in that dress, I love it! I would have loved your yard sale. They are a ton of work though, but so worth it. Well, i think so anyways. I can't believe you didn't make some serious money! Did somethings manage to sneak back into the house?
boots said…
yard sales are so much work! you did a great job! i want to have one too, but can never seem to part with my goodies. oh and, awesome book find! LOL
amy, the only thing i ended up keeping was a little pink old-fashioned washboard i am going to use to hang my jewelry on. i gave TONS away free. i really wanted to clean stuff out as opposed to making money. we actually made about $160 which was good to us but a lot of people were telling us how they have made like thousands at their sales. we, of course, never expected THAT! anyway it was fun but we still have to get rid of our blue couch! we're trying to give it away free. it's a mess.
Unknown said…
adorable photos!! ahhh i wish i was there.. looks like a perfect day!!

Unknown said…
Looks like a pretty awesome garage sale to me.
Missy said…
You could have packed up most of that and sent it to my house LOL...Really fab looking clothes!! I swear I see a water fountain thing sitting out there that looks just like one I sold at my yard sale this summer, hehe!!
Missy, you sure do see a little fountain and that made our friends' son sylvan VERY HAPPY! he always was fascinated with it in our house and he got to proudly take it home for free!
Unknown said…
oh cute, you know i would of grabbed some stuff!!

well, i'm replying back from the comment you left on my vintage post:

i wish these photos were gathered from thrift stores. that is something i definitely would love to start doing. the ones i have up are cool and interesting ones i have found online through random searches and/or from friends.

you should really start scanning yours and maybe make a blog for them or something. that would be so cool!

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